
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Architecture ()
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Ketevan Berekashvili
Nino Laghidze
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Bachelor of Architecture
Program capacity: 240
Program permission : Enrollment of students at the first level of academic higher education (undergraduate programs) is carried out based on the results of the unified national exams or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 224/N (December 29, 2011), passing administrative registration and the order of the university presidents. To enroll in the program, the student must submit a portfolio (from May 1 to May 26). Scroll to the left to view the portfolio requirements, check the prerequisites for admission to the program and download the document.
Program goals:

The program aims at training a specialist with the ability to conceptually solve the problem, understand the field in the historical context; the undergraduate can carry out professional practical activities in accordance with the predetermined guidelines related to special and creative thinking. The undergraduate is familiar with the basics of architectural planning methodology, typological groups of buildings, and the main requirements of urban planning development of landscape and recreational spaces including legislative and normative acts in the field of architecture. The undergraduate is equipped with the knowledge of the volumetric scale of architectural forms as well as with the ways, principles, and methods of adjusting them to the site.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Workbook methods;
  • Demonstration method;
  • Practical method;
  • Project preparation;
  • Practice;
  • Sketch preparation;
  • Preparing the maquette of architectural object;
  • Preparing presentations;
  • Search the relevant material in electronic format or libraries;
  • Discussions/Debates;


Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • The undergraduate:


    • Characteristic signs and styles of modern architecture, the main stages of formation and transformation, the basics of architectural planning methodology, typological groups of buildings, the main requirements of urban planning development of landscape and recreational spaces;
    • The most important achievements of world art, the trends of modern architecture and stages of development;
    • The volumetric scale of architectural forms and the ways of adjusting them to the site, the stages of designing small-sized objects, the peculiarities and characteristics of volumetric-spatial designer forms and types;
    • Legal and normative acts applicable in the field of architecture.


    • The role of cultural heritage as a factor of urban reconstruction in the reconstruction structure of the historical city;


    • The essence of construction of orthogonal and axonometric plans necessary for drawing figures on the plane as well as axonometry according to the orthogonal plans; the undergraduate designs basic geometric figures on the plane of three mutually directed plans and methods of Monge's coordinated epic, basic positional problems and transformation of epic;
    • The specifics of planning the types of individual residential and multi-functional residential houses, separate blocks of business center, standards of supermarket and parking lot planning, distribution of projected material on the plane-table and orthogonal drawing; 
    • The specifics of insolation report methods, natural light ratio report, architectural acoustic issues;
    • The essence of the methods and features of design, construction and modelling;
    • The specifics of drawing, correcting, and building a three-dimensional model of an architectural object in the 3D max program as well as a two- and three-dimensional model of an architectural object in the AutoCAD program.

  • Skills
  • The undergraduate:

    • When working on the project defined for the bachelor's defense, practically applies the knowledge gained from the training courses provided by the program about the technical, operational, and aesthetic characteristics of construction structures and materials, as well as the peculiarities of transport, communication and security systems, and prepares and presents the project taking into account all the mentioned components.
    • Effectively and purposefully uses modern information and communication technologies when presenting the project work; consistently and professionally declares one's own viewpoints and arguments.
    • Under supervision, creates a model base of the selected object according to the orthogonal plan of the figure; correctly organizes and designs different types of interiors, subject environment and space considering the human factor;
    • Executes building plans, facades, cuts of various purposes, solving the planning task in a complex way;
    • While drawing an architectural object, makes certain corrections and changes in it;
    • When designing the space, considers the architectural factors that determine the acoustic comfort in open and closed spaces.

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • The undergraduate:

    • In a spontaneous dialogue and debate, based on the acquired artistic-aesthetic taste, takes responsibility to adhere to the professional/ethical norms.
    • With slight support, selects a relevant problem for the project area research, plans and carries out small-scale research and transforms the obtained results in the format of a bachelor's thesis to create an urban planning or architectural project.
  • Date of approval: 12-26-2016
    Approval protocol number: 07/16
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 01/17
    Program details:

    In addition to the core subjects shaping the architect's competence, the program has two university-compulsory elective subjects - a social/humanitarian and STEM block and a block of elective subjects.

    The program is meticulously designed to account for the individualization of students' language competencies. Specifically, students start learning the English language at a proficiency level relevant to the assessed knowledge evidenced by the unified national examinations and internal assessments.

    The maximum raw score determined on the unified national exam:

    • If 63% is obtained, the student is admitted at the B1/1 level of English;  
    • in case of receiving 64% to 86% - at B1/2 level;
    • In case of receiving 87% to 100% - at B2/1 level.
    • In case of receiving more than 93%, the student is given a language proficiency test, and if the threshold score is achieved, the student will be able to register at the B2/2 level of English. If the student does not pass the threshold, he/she will be admitted to the B2/1 level.
    • In case of obtaining more than 93%, if the student does not appear for the test, he/she will be admitted to the B2/1 level.


    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    To obtain a bachelor's academic degree, a student needs to accumulate 240 credits comprising:

    • Core subjects of the program - 228 ECT (Including specialty-defining subjects - 210 ECTS)
    • Blocks of university-compulsory elective subjects - 18 ECTS
    • Elective subjects of the program - 12 ECTS

    Humanitarian-Social Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6 1,3
    ANTH3130Basics of Cultural Anthropology6 1,3
    HIST1222History of Russian occupation in Georgia6 1,3
    LAWB1155Debates and Critical Thinking6 1,3
    LAWB1177Thinking and Morality6 1,3
    LAWB1195Citizenship in the modern world6 1,3
    LITR1212The great Books6 1,3
    POLI2260Basics of Political Ideologies6 1,3

    Credits sum:


    STEM Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    STEM0011Computational reasoning6 1,2
    MATH1414Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning6 1,2
    STEM0002Ingenuity, entrepreneurship and technology6 1,2
    STEM0005Modern technologies6 1,2
    STEM0007Mathematics and Civilizations6 1,2
    STEM0010Logic6 1,2
    STEM0012Biology and Health of the Human6 1,2
    STEM0013Basics of Cyber Hygiene6 1,2
    STEM00146 1,2
    STEM0003Experiments that changed the world6 1,2
    STEM0004Game theory6 1,2

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    ARCT1110Technical drawing6 1
    ARTS1110History of World Art (General course)6 1
    ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6 1
    ARCT1210Descriptive Geometry6 2
    ARCT1220Basics of Fine Arts I6 2
    ARCT1230Composition I6 2
    ARCT1240History of the Modern Architecture6 2
    ARCT2110Basics of Fine Arts II6 3
    ARCT2120Composition II6 3
    ARCT2130Basics of Architecture Design6 3
    ARCT2140Design Drawing6 3
    ARCT2210Interior Design Projecting I6 4
    ARCT2220Design Projecting of Exterior I6 4
    ARCT2230construction and maquette6 4
    ARCT3240Computer Graphic I(Auto Cad)6 4
    ARCT4210Modern Construction and Facing Materials6 4
    ARCT3110Ecology and Landscape Design6 5
    ARCT3120Exterior Design Projecting II (Individual Residential House)6 5
    ARCT3130Interior Design Projecting II ( Individual residence House )6 5
    ARCT3140Basics of Geodesy6 5
    ARCT4140Computer Graphic II (Auto CAD)6 5
    ARCT1818Energy efficiency in construction6 6
    ARCT3210Interior Design Projecting III (Multifunctional Residence House )6 6
    ARCT3220Exterior Design Projecting 3 (Multifunctional Residential House)6 6
    ARCT3230Basics of Building Constructions6 6
    MATH4123Engineering Mathematics for Architects6 6
    ARCH4171bachelor internship in Architecture6 7
    ARCT4110Interior Design Projecting IV (Multifunction Business Center)6 7
    ARCT4120Exterior Design Projecting IV (Multifunction business Centre)6 7
    ARCT4130Basics of City planning6 7
    BUSN4433Economy, business, management6 7
    ARCT4220Basics of Construction Management6 8
    ARCT4230Basics of Insolation, Illumination and Acoustics6 8
    ARCT4271practice and bachelor project in architecture12 8

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    ARCT1120Advertisement Design6
    ARCT1919Peculiarities of Georgian secular architecture6
    ARCT3150Style in Interior I6
    ARCT3231Urban instruments and chellenges6
    ARCT4160Style in Interior 26
    ARCT4240Color and Light in Interior6
    ARCT4250Furniture on the Interior Design6
    ARTS1210Decorative Applied Arts - Style and Era6
    ARTS2140History of Georgian Art6
    ARTS2210Georgian Architectural Monuments6
    ARTS3217The art of the Far East – China and Japan6
    ARTS4117Georgian Metallic Sculpture6
    ARTS4120Contemporary Art in Western Europe and the USA6
    CULT3237Legislative basis of cultural heritage6
    ENGL2217English language IV (B1/2)6
    ENGL3149English Language V (B2/1)6

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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