
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Tourism
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Eka Devidze
Tinatin Mosiashvili
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Bachelor in Tourism
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: Enrollment of students at the first level of academic higher education (bachelor's programs) is carried out based on the results of the Unified National Exams or in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 224/n (December 29, 2011), after passing administrative registration and on the basis of the President's Order. At the Unified National Exams, it is mandatory for a student to pass Georgian and English, as well as a third subject determined in accordance with the questionnaire (either mathematics or geography or history). A student of a bachelor's program of another faculty of the University of Georgia or another higher educational institution may obtain the right to study at the program on the basis of internal and external mobility (in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia and the Rules for Regulating the Educational Process of the University of Georgia).
Program goals:

The goal of the Bachelor Program of Tourism is to train/prepare competent/qualified and competitive specialists who in regarding of specifics of the field will have a thorough theoretical knowledge of tourism-recreational resources, environmental and cultural heritage significance, role and functions, and skills to design tourism products, made up plans for tours/excursions. Ability to prepare and report on challenges and key trends in tourism in both Georgian and English languages. Graduates will be aware of civic responsibility towards society and the state, respect for culture and traditions. Tourism program Alumni (the Bachelor of Tourism Program) can be employed both in-state/public agencies (Museums, Protected Areas, National Tourism Administration, National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation Georgia, Resorts, etc.) as well as in private sectors (Travel agency, hotel, etc.) and occupy the positions of managers at lower or middle levels or under the positions of a specialist/chief specialist. The Bachelor of Tourism program may continue studying at the second level under the directions specified in the Higher Education Qualification Framework.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Lecture-seminars
  • Explanatory method
  • Demonstration method
  • Interactive lectures
  • Discussion/Debates
  • Teamwork
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Action Based Learning
  • Project Based Learning
  • Literature analysis
Learning outcomes:
  • The student has the ability to:

    • Define/explain the fundamentals of business and economics, management, basic principles of marketing, fundamentals of tourism, financial accounting, and managerial accounting.
    • Analyze/describe the main statistical methods and indicators.
    • Describe the importance, role, and functions of Georgia's history, regions, tourist and recreational resources (resorts and protected areas), eco-agro tourism, the environment, and the cultural heritage of Georgia.
    • Identify the developmental stages of the hotel industry, hotel classification, and management, as well as the management/administration of food and beverage facilities.
    • Analyze the operation mechanisms of travel agencies.
    • Generate/communicate attribute (photo and text) data of thematic tourist maps and tourist attractions through office computer programs and geographic information systems.
    • Design/create a tourist product, plan tours/excursions, calculate costs, and determine prices.
    • Analyze the import of key indicators from the tourism statistical dataset.
    • Calculate statistical indicators for accommodation and dining facilities.
    • Initiate, plan, develop, implement, and manage event ideas/concepts.
    • Summarize political decisions and legal issues related to tourism.
    • Compile empirical materials related to economic processes and trends in the field of tourism.
    • Prepare a report (presentation) on challenges and conditions in the field of tourism and present it in both Georgian and English. 
    • Produce effective written and electronic correspondence and utilize modern information and communication technologies in this process.
    • Select their own professional interests/needs and independently decide the direction for further studies at the next level or the depth of their knowledge through various certification courses and training programs.
    • Recognize their civic responsibility to society and the state, and show respect for the culture and traditions of the country.
  • Date of approval: 01-11-2010
    Approval protocol number: 01-10
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 27/19
    Program details:
    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    In order to earn a bachelor's degree in tourism, a student is required to collect 240 ECTS, which includes: passing the main subjects of the program, which includes 168 ECTS, as well as 24 ECTS from the compulsory elective blocks of the program: 6 ECTS from the STEM block and 18 ECTS from the humanitarian-social block. Completion of at least 6 ECTS from the compulsory elective block of the program (18 ECTS), 24 ECTS from the block of elective study courses and 18 ECTS free courses.

    Humanitarian-Social Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    HIST1222History of Russian occupation in Georgia6 1,2,3
    LAWB1155Debates and Critical Thinking6 1,2,3
    POLI2260Basics of Political Ideologies6 1,2,3
    ANTH3130Basics of Cultural Anthropology6 1,2,3
    HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6 1,2,3
    LAWB1195Citizenship in the modern world6 1,2,3
    LAWB1177Thinking and Morality6 1,2,3
    LITR1212The great Books6 1,2,3

    Credits sum:


    STEM Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    STEM0002Ingenuity, entrepreneurship and technology6 2
    STEM0003Experiments that changed the world6 2
    STEM0005Modern technologies6 2
    STEM0007Mathematics and Civilizations6 2
    STEM0010Logic6 2
    STEM0011Computational reasoning6 2
    STEM0012Biology and Health of the Human6 1,2
    STEM0013Basics of Cyber Hygiene6 1,2
    STEM00146 1,2
    STEM10106 1,2

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6 1
    HIST1230Introduction to the History of Georgia6 1
    HOST6240Geography of Georgia6 1
    MATH1414Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning6 1
    BUSN1310Business and Economics6 2
    HOST3215Principles of Tourism6 2
    HOST1000Cultural heritage and tourism6 3
    HOST3217Recreation Resources and Tourism6 3
    MGMT2015Basics of Management6 3
    HOST2000Eco-agro tourism and environmental protection6 4
    HOST3000English Language for Tourism6 4
    HOST3221Tourism Economics6 4
    HOST5000Food and Beverage Management6 4
    MKTG2210Basics of Marketing6 4
    ACCT2122Financial Accounting I6 5
    HOST4000Tour planning and tourism routes of Georgia6 5
    HOST4235Hotel Management6 5
    HOST4240Event Management6 5
    ACCT2210Basics of Managerial Accounting6 6
    ACCT2221Financial Accounting II6 6
    HOST6000Tourism policy and legal environment6 6
    HOST7000Tour Operating6 6
    HOST9000Statistics in tourism6 6
    HOST2030Internship - Hotel6 7
    HOST2090Geo-Informational Technologies in Tourism6 7
    HOST2212Research Methods in Tourism6 7
    HOST8000Internship in Tourism Company6 7
    MGMT3221Business Communications6 8

    Credits sum:


    Compulsory selection of the program

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    HOST2040Internship - Museum6 7
    HOST2050Internship - Protected Areas6 7
    HOST2060Internship - Resort6 7

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    HOST1020Excursions and Art of Guide6
    HOST3310Medical tourism6
    TURK1140Turkish Language I (A1)6
    TURK1240Turkish Language II (A2)6
    TURK2141Turkish Language III(B1/1)6
    TURK2241Turkish language IV (B1/2)6
    INFO1115MS Office6
    COMM4120Introduction to Public Relations6
    ECON1290Principles of Microeconomics6
    ECON2190Principles of Macroeconomics6
    FINA2211Principles of Insurance6
    HOST0001Bachelor Thesis18
    LAWB4991Law of Entrepreneurs6
    MGMT1515Business Ethics6
    MGMT3211Human Resource Management6
    MGMT4220Project Management6
    MKTG3210Basics of customers Behavior6
    MKTG4110Brand Management6
    MKTG4220E-commerce and Online Marketing6
    STAT1122SPSS Information systems for statistical data processing6

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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