
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Informatics
Study Level: Graduate
Program leader: Sergo Tsiramua
Sulkhan Sulkhanishvili
Study language: Georgian
Program capacity: 120
Program permission: ..
Program goals:

The program seeks highly qualified, and at the same time, competitive information technology specialists, to ensure international standards of education, and considering some issues referring students develop creative thinking skills - skills and give them a multidisciplinary education, promote the experience of developed countries, the leading ideas of modern computer technology in education, science, business management in the field. 

The program is aimed at students develop an IT competitive specialist and an information techno ¬ login manager, databases, geoinformation systems, computer systems and network administrator, web - administrator, developers, who will manage the engineering and social science in various fields were given the task of Programming for the modern, High -level programming languages.
Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
Date of approval: 04-09-2008
Approval protocol number: 42
Date of program update: 12-02-2014
Update protocol number: 50-14
Program details:
Teaching Process Characteristics:

Program Core

Code Subject ECTS Semester
INFO5111Network Switch Planning6 1
INFO5112Database Design and Management6 1
INFO5221Logical Modelling of Complex Systems6 1
INFO6250Industrial Platform-Based Development6 1
INFO6340Structural analysis of systems6 1
INFO5250Mathematics for Computer Graphics6 2
INFO6130Android Development6 2
INFO6135Web Platform-Based Development6 3
INFO6140ERP systems structure and Functionality6 3
INFO6240MA Thesis in Informatics30 4

Credits sum:


Program Elective

Code Subject ECTS
BLCH5230Business processes6
INFO5256Transition of IT Services6
INFO5280Digital Information Law6
INFO6271Database Systems6
INFO6291Computer Network Design and Management6
INFO6292Visual Basic6
INFO6293Programming Paradigms6
MGMT6130Project Management6
BLCH5119Regulation of Smart Contracts6
BLCH5140Innovative business models6
INFO2525Blockchain and the IV Industrial Revolution6
INFO5120Geoinformation Systems6
INFO5211Providing Routing in Networks6
INFO5230Microprocessors and Microprocessor Systems6
INFO5254IT Service Strategy and Design6
INFO6150Mathematical Modeling in Information Technology6
INFO6261System Programming6
BLCH5110Blockchain - Decentralized information system6
BLCH5210Decentralization of money and cryptocurrencies6
BLCH5310Blockchain 2.0 - Wise Assets and Smart Contracts6
INFO5252Agile-Software Development Project Management6
INFO5253IT Service Operation and Continual Improvement6
INFO5260Programming of Microprocessor Systems6
INFO6160Operations Research in Computer Science6
INFO6211Personal data protection in the digital age6
INFO6220Network Operation Tshoot6
INFO6260IT Project Management6
INFO6262Spring Framework6
INFO6263Big Data System6
INFO6270Artificial Intelligence Based Machine Learning Algorithms6
INFO6280Microsoft Asp.Net Core MVC Platform Based multi layer Web Application Tools I6
INFO6281Technology of Business Analysis and Intelligent Control in Data Warehousing6
INFO6290Microsoft Asp.Net Core MVC Platform Based multi layer Web Application Tools II6

Credits sum:


Matrix Of Privequisites

Evaluation system

Weekly review

24 point / 24%;

Research Paper

16 point/ 16%;

Midterm exams

25 point / 25%;

Final exam

35 point / 35%

Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
94-96 3,75 A
91-93 3,50 A-
87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
84-86 3,00 B B
81-83 2,75 B-  
77-80 2,50 C+   C good
74-76 2,25 C
71-73 2,00 C-
67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
64-66 1,50 D
61-63 1,25 D-
51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
Not passed
41-50   FX FX Insufficient
<40   F F Failed

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