
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Business Administration (Eng) (3 years)
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Goliadze Natia
Study language: English
Qualification: Bachelor of Business Administration
Program capacity: 180
Program permission: English language B1 level (70%) and other legislative requirements. namely citizens of Georgia should successfully pass Unified National Entrance Examinations.It is mandatory for students to pass Georgian and English, as well as mathematics and/or history as the one of the additional subjects at the unified national exams. Foreign high-school graduates who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad or students who lived abroad for the last two or more years and who are currently studying abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries will be able to enter the program without passing Uniform National Entrance Examinations according to Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011). International certificates will be recognized to confirm English level: ● TOEFL IBT – at least score 70 ● IELTS – at least score 4.5 ● PTE General – at least level B1 ● FCE – at least level B. • CPE – satisfactory pass ● CAE – satisfactory pass The University of Georgia will conduct the B1 level test, where 70% of the test will be considered as confirmation of the competence, for the students who do not have the English language competence certificates. If the student scores more than 90% on the exam, he or she will be interviewed, after which the level of English will be established and the student will be advised whether or not to pass "General English I." Enrollment in an English-language bachelor's program by mobility is allowed after one academic year of study through internal and external mobility. Mobility is possible twice a year (within the terms set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, following the mandatory procedures approved by the Act of the Director of the National Center for the Development of the Quality of Education and the rules established by the University of Georgia). Mobility to an English-language bachelor's program from a recognized higher educational institution of a foreign country is carried out based on the decision/consent of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
Program goals:

The goal of the program is for the graduate to acquire knowledge based on modern and latest trends in the field of business administration, to introduce strategic, operational,, financial, administrative, cultural-ethical aspects of management, to develop the social responsibility of business and the importance of corporate ethical norms/principles so that the graduate can be employed in local and international organizations in middle and low positions.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:

● Verbal Method
● Demonstration Method
● Discussion/Debate
● Team Work
● Case study
● Study based on the problems
● Study based on the projects
● Literature analysis

Learning outcomes:
  • 1. Examines the fundamental theories and principles of business management
    2. Describes competitive business strategies in accordance with the general approach of arranging functional subsystems of management and planning company operations, taking into account strategic, production, financial, administrative, cultural, and ethical aspects of management
    3. Describes the business environment, current events, and business processes in the functional areas of the company in detail
    4. Creates solutions for challenges relating to company functional areas using quantitative and qualitative methodologies
    5. Prepares the budget and financial statements in accordance with financial accounting frameworks, principles, and procedures. Based on the processing of financial information, and evaluates the company's financial status.
    6. Determines the profitability of the investment as a result of analyzing the profitability and risk of investment projects.
    7. Explains the fundamental concepts of marketing, competitive positioning, and building market-oriented marketing strategies.
    8. Identifies risks related to business
    9. Makes use of cutting-edge information and communication technologies
    10. Participates in a team based on the principles of leadership and/or cooperation.
    11. Assesses the significance of corporate social responsibility and ethical norms/principles in business.
    12. Develops an action plan for his or her own learning process and professional development in response to recognized needs.

  • Date of approval: 04-15-2024
    Approval protocol number: 09PDC263-02
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 09PDC6049-01
    Program details:

    In order to earn a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, student is required to collect 180 ECTS, which includes: the program core courses - 126 ECTS in total and 54 ECTS from the rest of the Bachelor's Program in Business Administration, both program electives and concentration electives. Besides, the student is not obliged to cover all the subjects of one concentration.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    BUSN1210EBasics of Business and Economics6 1
    INFO1133EMS office6 1
    LAWB4310EBusiness Law6 1
    MATH1220EMathematical Methods I6 1
    MGMT1515EBusiness Ethics6 1
    ECON1290EPrinciples of Microeconomics6 2
    ENGL1120EGeneral English II6 2
    MATH1218EMathematical Methods II6 2
    MGMT2110EBasics of Management6 2
    MKTG2210EBasics of Marketing6 2
    ACCT2122EFinancial Accounting I (basics, Part I)6 3
    ECON2190EPrinciples of Macroeconomics6 3
    MGMT3211EHuman Resource Management6 3
    STAT2218EBusiness Statistics6 3
    ACCT2221EFinancial Accounting I (basics, Part II)6 4
    MGMT2210EFundamentals of the Strategic Management6 4
    MGMT3110EBasics of Operation Management6 4
    MGMT3221EBusiness-communications6 4
    ACCT2210EBasics of Managerial Accounting6 5
    FINA3115EPrinciples of Finance6 5
    MGMT4220EProject Management6 6

    Credits sum:


    Finance - concentration

    FINA2211EBasics of Insurance65
    FINA3220EFundamentals of the Investment65
    FINA2212EIntroduction to Banking65
    FINA4115ECorporative Finances (intermediate)66
    FINA4250EInternational Finance66

    Credits sum:


    Marketing - concentration

    MKTG4110EBrand Management65
    MKTG4220EElectronic Commerce And Online Marketing65
    MKTG4550ESocial Media Marketing65
    MKTG2609EMarketing Communications66
    MKTG3220EMarketing Researches66

    Credits sum:


    Management - concentration

    MGMT3121EBasics of Organizational Behavior65
    MGMT2111EInternational Business65
    BUSN4250EProject and Thesis in Business Adminsitration306
    MKTG4190ESupply Chain Management66

    Credits sum:


    Accounting - concentration

    ACCT3216EFinancial Accounting (Intermediate Level)65
    ACCT4212EInternational Standards of Financial Accounting65
    ACCT4230EThe Principles of Audit65
    FINA4115ECorporative Finances (intermediate)66
    ACCT3320EManagerial accounting (intermediate level)66

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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