
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Law
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Begiashvili Malkhaz
Ana Khurtsidze
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: BA in Law
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: Enrollment of students at the first level of academic higher education (bachelor’s programs) is carried out based on the results of the Unified National Examinations or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 224/N (December 29, 2011), upon passing administrative registration and based on the order of the University presidents.
Program goals:

The primary objective of the Bachelor’s Program in Law is to train highly qualified specialists in the fields of private, public, and criminal law, thereby contributing to the development of the legal state, reinforcement of the values of the rule of law, democracy and professional ethics in society, and enhancement of civil legal consciousness.

Through theoretical knowledge and the use of practical teaching methods, the program equips students with contemporary field knowledge, relevant practical skills, and professional responsibility and autonomy. Upon completing the program, graduates will be able to hold any position that requires a bachelor’s degree in law, and does not impose state certification exams. Graduates will have the opportunity to further pursue their studies at the master's level, which is designed to prepare specialists for a higher level of expertise.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Explanatory method
  • Teamwork
  • Demonstration method
  • Discussion/Debates
  • Induction, Deduction, Analysis, and Synthesis
  • Interactive lecture
  • Critical analysis
  • Practical work
  • Presentation
  • Problem-solving exercises
  • Role play
  • News Analysis    
  • Case study and analysis
  • Search for the relevant material in electronic format or libraries
  • Written work method
  • Textbook-based method
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • Upon completing the program, the graduate:

    • Describes the essence of law, its fundamental principles, and their significance for the formation of the legal system; characteristics of the main legal systems and their distinctive features;
    • Elaborates on the principal theories, rules, principles and regulatory characteristics of the program's field-specific study courses, encompassing:
      - methods of norm interpretations;
      - principles of state organization and local self-governance, and the constitutional-legal foundations of the national model;
      - fundamental human rights and freedoms, their conceptual and value-related aspects, principles of limitation, and the features of defense mechanisms available at the national level;
      - system of international law, fundamental principles, institutions, mechanisms of international legal responsibility, and the interplay between international and national law;
      - general concepts, principles, and the system of private law, including the regulatory aspects of the relationships within the domain of general civil law, property law, law of obligations, contractual law, torts, family and inheritance law, corporate law and labor law;
      - the essence and principles of administrative law, forms of activity of the administrative body;
      - principles of criminal law, the essence of crime, types and characteristics of criminal legal responsibility, including structural underpinning of crimes, punishment, and its types;
      - Peculiarities of civil proceedings;
      - Peculiarities of administrative proceedings;
      - Peculiarities of criminal proceedings;
      - Peculiarities of constitutional proceedings; - Historical sources of Georgian law;
      - norms of professional ethics. Determines the causes of legal disputes, their main characteristics, and ways of resolving them by legal means.

  • Skills
  • Upon completing the program, the graduate:

    • identifies complex and unexpected legal problems, develops ways to solve them using established and/or some of the latest methods, and presents the chosen position argumentatively;
    • analysis legally significant information, including legal norms and sources;
    • distinguishes between the main institutions of the national legal system;
    • distinguishes between the fields of public and private law, qualifies legal relationships thereof;
    • drafts, amends, and interprets legal documents, including civil and administrative contracts, adjudicating acts, procedural documents, individual and normative administrative acts;
    • in accordance with predetermined instructions, develops research or practical project;
    • in accordance with predetermined instructions, provides legal consultations;
    • taking into account the legal means of dispute resolution and ethical norms, develops a dispute resolution strategy and tactics;
    • verbally and in writing, in both native and English languages, discusses own ideas, existing legal problems, and their solutions with specialists and non-specialists using appropriate information and communication technologies; Appropriately uses legal terminology;
    • searches and identifies necessary information, including the sources of national and international law, legislative amendments, case law, scholarly novelties using electronic library systems and other databases, primary legal information systems.

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • Upon completing the program, the graduate:

    • recognizes the importance of maintaining ethical and professional standards in professional activities, on the basis of which the graduate will be able to maintain these standards in his/her own activities;
    • recognizes the principles necessary for the formation of a legal and democratic state, fundamental human rights and freedoms, and the importance of their realization;
    • determines the value of basic legal principles;
    • leads activities aimed at personal and collective development, adhering to the fundamental principles of individual and collaborative work;
    • demonstrates the capacity to constantly advancing knowledge, embarcing the principle of "lifelong learning.
  • Date of approval: 10-24-2005
    Approval protocol number: 3
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number:
    Program details:

    The program is structured in a way to take account of the differences in students' linguistic competencies. Specifically, students begin learning the English language at a stage that corresponds to their knowledge, which is determined based on the scores received in Unified National Examinations and internal exams.

    Following is the distribution by percentiles of the maximum raw score designated by Unified National Examinations:

    • in the case of obtaining 63%, the student is admitted to the B1/1 level of English;
    • in the case of obtaining 64% to 86%, the student is admitted to the B1/2 level of English;
    • in the case of obtaining 87% to 100% the student is admitted to the B1/2 level of English;
    • in case of obtaining more than 93%, the student is eligible for the language proficiency test. If students accumulates the borderline scores, one is admitted to the English language level B2/2. If the student does not accumulate the borderline quantity, they will be admitted to level B2/1;
    • In case of obtaining more than 93%, if the student does not appear for the test, he/she will be admitted to the B2/1 level;

    English VI (B2/2) and Legal English I are compulsory for all students of the program.

    Language of instruction is English for the following program components: ENGL2147 English Language III (B1/1), ENGL2217 English Language IV (B1/2), ENGL3149 English Language V (B2/1), ENGL3213 English Language VI (B2/2), LAWB3151 Introduction to Legal English, LAWB3152 Legal English I, LAWB3253 Legal English II, LAWB3215 Moot Court for Masters, LAWB4179 Constitutional Rights in Comparative Perspective, LAWB4242 Introduction to International Business Law and Ethics, LAWB4116 Introduction to United States Law, LAWB4117 International Commercial Arbitration, LAWB4118 Comparative Corporate Law and LAWB4119 Technology Law.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    To complete the program, the student must accumulate 240 ECTS, which are distributed as follows: the student must accumulate 24 ECTS from the blocks of the university study courses (12 ECTS – block of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12 ECTS - STEM block), the student must pass all the core study courses provided by the program (156 ECTS), 12 ECTS must be accumulated by the student passing only one of the study courses offered in the clinic block, and 48 ECTS - from the elective block of the program.

    The block of Humanities and Social Sciences and the STEM block offer students a wide choice, however, within them, the student elects and passes a certain number of credits to complete the program. By exceeding these credits, the study courses exceed 240 ECTS, and they will not be counted in the credits of any other block of the program, including the optional part.

    Humanitarian-Social Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    ANTH3130Basics of Cultural Anthropology6 1,2
    HIST1222History of Russian occupation in Georgia6 1,2
    LAWB1155Debates and Critical Thinking6 1,2
    LAWB1195Citizenship in the modern world6 1,2
    LITR1212The great Books6 1,2
    HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6 1,2
    LAWB1177Thinking and Morality6 1,2
    POLI2260Basics of Political Ideologies6 1,2

    Credits sum:


    STEM Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    MATH1414Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning6 1,2
    STEM0002Ingenuity, entrepreneurship and technology6 1,2
    STEM0005Modern technologies6 1,2
    STEM0007Mathematics and Civilizations6 1,2
    STEM0010Logic6 1,2
    STEM0011Computational reasoning6 1,2
    STEM0012Biology and Health of the Human6 1,2
    STEM0013Basics of Cyber Hygiene6 1,2
    STEM0003Experiments that changed the world6 1,2
    STEM0004Game theory6 1,2

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6 1
    LAWB1135Introduction to Jurisprudence6 1
    LAWB1210constitutional law 1 - State Arrangement Law (Part I)6 2
    LAWB1240Principles of Georgian Civil Law (general)6 2
    LAWB2120Criminal Law (General)6 2
    LAWB3152Legal English I6 2
    LAWB4132Introduction to economics for lawyers6 3
    LAWB1215Constitutional Law 1 - State Arrangement Law (Part II)6 3
    LAWB2110Property law6 3
    LAWB2210Criminal Law (Private 1)6 3
    LAWB2220Law of Obligations6 3
    LAWB1250General Administrative Law6 4
    LAWB2130Introduction to Human Rights6 4
    LAWB3120Criminal Law (Private 2)6 4
    LAWB3130Contract Law6 4
    LAWB1321Civil Procedural Law I6 5
    LAWB1323Criminal Procedural Law I6 5
    LAWB2250International Law6 5
    LAWB3150Corporate Law6 5
    LAWB1322Civil Procedural Law II6 6
    LAWB1324Criminal Procedural Law II6 6
    LAWB3240Labor Law6 6
    LAWB3280Law of Equity6 6
    LAWB2240Administrative Procedure Law6 7
    LAWB3220Family and Inheritance Law6 7
    LAWB4145Foundation of Legal Ethics6 7

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    LAWB2111History of Georgian Law6
    LAWB3243International Relations and Diplomacy6
    LAWB4179Constitutional Rights in a Comparative Perspective6
    ENGL2147English Language III (B1/1)6
    ENGL2217English language IV (B1/2)6
    ENGL3149English Language V (B2/1)6
    LAWB2112Roman Law6
    LAWB2113History of Legal Ideas6
    LAWB3233Law of Protection of Children’s Rights6
    LAWB2140Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries6
    LAWB3151Introduction to Legal English6
    LAWB1221Commercial Mediation for Bachelors6
    LAWB3146Public Speaking Techniques6
    LAWB3230Bank Law6
    LAWB4110International Private Law6
    LAWB4120Insurance Law6
    LAWB4230International Human Rights Law6
    LAWB4277Methods of Case Study in Criminal Law6
    INFO3266Cybercrime Investigation6
    LAWB3211Intellectual Property Law6
    LAWB3216Moot Court for Bachelors18
    LAWB3225Law of Personal Data Protection6
    LAWB3235Juvenile Justice6
    LAWB3250Law of Sentence and Execution6
    LAWB3251Electoral Law6
    LAWB3253Legal English II6
    LAWB3259Actual topics of the fight against corruption6
    LAWB4141Techniques of legislative drafting and constitutional review6
    LAWB4270European Law6
    LAWB4280Permission Law6
    LAWB4290Enforcement Law6
    LAWB4340Professional Skills Of Lawyer6
    LAWB3261Actual Issues in Criminal Law6
    LAWB4116Introduction to the Law of the United States6
    LAWB4117International Commercial Arbitration6
    LAWB4118Comparative Corporate Law6
    LAWB4119Technology Law6
    LAWB4151Foundation of Tax Law6
    LAWB4185Notary law6
    LAWB4210International Criminal Law6
    LAWB4214Drafting Procedural Documents in Criminal Procedure6
    LAWB4266European Criminal Law6
    LAWB1325Municipal Law6
    LAWB2224Education Law6
    LAWB4212Participants of Criminal Procedure6
    LAWB4217Practical Course of Contract Drafting6
    LAWB4242Introduction To Business Law and Ethics6
    LAWB4244Law and Economics6
    LAWB4400Private Law Repetitorium6
    LAWB4410Criminal Law Repetitorium6
    LAWB4420Public Law Repetitorium6

    Credits sum:



    კლინიკის ბლოკიდან სტუდენტმა უნდა დააგროვოს 12 ECTS შეთავაზებულიდან მხოლოდ ერთ-ერთი სასწავლო კურსის გავლით

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    LAWB4235Constitutional Litigation Clinic12 8
    LAWB4225Mediation Clinic12 8
    LAWB4231Clinic of Human Rights12 8
    LAWB4260Criminal Procedural Law Clinic12 8
    LAWB4275Prevention of Domestic Violence, Victims Protection and Assistance Clinic12 8
    LAWB4295Administrative and Civil Law Clinic12 8

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    პროგრამის რუკები

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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