
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Electronic and Communication Engineering
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Kakhaber Tavzarashvili
Irakli Noselidze
Nodar Ugrelidze
Study language: English
Qualification: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: English language B1 level (70%) and other legislative requirements, namely citizens of Georgia should successfully pass Unified National Entrance Examinations. Foreign high-school graduates who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad or students who lived abroad for the last two or more years and who are currently studying abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries will be able to enter the program without passing Uniform National Entrance Examinations according to Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011).
Program goals:

The aim of the program is to facilitate the development of electronic and communications engineering by prepare competent, highly qualified specialists who will have competitive higher education and skills in line with modern standards.

The undergraduate program is designed to provide the student with a thorough engineering skills in electronics, computer engineering, and communication. To give knowledge of modern standards in information technologies, design and implementation of systems and processes, compilation of simple software code, analysis of various engineering and mathematical tasks and innovative technological thinking, to develop teamwork skills with real experience in project implementation.

Graduates of the program will be able to be employed in Electronic, Computer, Telecommunications and Energy companies, Government organizations, Banks and other private companies where the competencies of an electronic engineering specialist are required. International certification courses integrated into the program provided by the school as additional offers, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle Academic, iOS training courses, will give students the opportunity to receive international certificates.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Lecture - Seminar
  • Working with the book
  • Demonstration
  • Discussions
  • Practical lessons
  • Laboratory exercises
  • Interactive lessons
  • Team work
  • Problem solving and their solution
  • Verbal and oral method
  • Critical analysis
  • Problem-solving tasks
Learning outcomes:
Date of approval: 01-01-1900
Approval protocol number:
Date of program update:
Update protocol number:
Program details:

The student can be guided by the proposed curriculum and individually draw up his/her personal curriculum, taking into account the requirements of the subjects. To complete a bachelor's project in the last year of study, the student chooses a topic of thesis from the proposed areas. The bachelor's project is carried out in groups, which contributes to the development of filed knowledge and teamwork skills. The program provides for an optional course internship, which will help the student, if necessary, to better formulate himself when choosing a topic for a bachelor's project.

Teaching Process Characteristics:

In order to obtain a bachelor's degree, a student must complete 240 credits, which includes the following distribution of credits:

  • Program Electve 30 ECTS;
  • Program Core 168 ECTS;
  • Compulsory University 30 ECTS;
  • Free 12 ECTS.

The program electives are conditionally divided into three groups of specialties: Electronics, Communications and Intelligent Systems. The student has the opportunity to accumulate credits of one of the groups to complete a bachelor's project in a specific direction.

Under free credits, a student may study subjects in the same program, a similar graduate program, or other programs at the university by meeting the appropriate prerequisites.

University Core

Code Subject ECTS Semester
KART1141Georgian, as a second language I6 1
KART1220EAcademic Writing6 1
KART1241Georgian, as a second language II6 2
HIST1118ECivilizations and Developments of Humankind6 3
BUSN1210EBasics of Business and Economics6 4

Credits sum:


Program Core

Code Subject ECTS Semester
EENG1111EProgramming for Engineers - Python6 1
MATH1115ECalculus I6 1
INFO1112EOffice Systems6 1
EENG1120EFundamentals of Electronicss6 1
INFO1111EIntroduction in Programming (C++)6 2
MATH1166ECalculus II6 2
PHYS2003EPhysics I6 2
MATH1123ELinear Algebra and Analytical Geometry6 2
MATH3112EDiscrete Mathematics6 3
PHYS2004EPhysics II6 3
INFO3131EObject Oriented Programming C++6 3
EENG2005EEngineering Mathematics6 3
EENG2212EAnalog Electronics6 3
INFO4259EData Structures and Algorithms6 4
INFO2229EOperation System (Windows)6 4
EENG3113EDigital Electronics6 4
MATH2004EProbability and Statistics6 5
EENG3115EEngineering Electromagnetics6 5
EENG2020ECircuit Analysis I6 5
EENG2015EMicrocontrollers Programming6 5
INFO3139EProgramming Language Python6 5
EENG2121ECircuit Analysis II6 6
EENG2012EDigital Communication12 6
EENG2013ESignal Processors6 6
INFO3110EComputer Network I6 7
EENG2008EModeling program tools6 7
EENG4010EBachelor project12 8

Credits sum:


Program Elective

Code Subject ECTS
EENG4129EAntenna theory and design6
INFO4116EIntroduction to Machine Learning Modeling6
INFO2411EComputer architecture6
INFO3210EComputer Networks II6
MATH4118EFundamentals of Cryptology6
EENG1215ESignal Processing6
INFO4114EArtificial Intelligence6
EENG1213ESemiconductor devices6
EENG2115ECommunication technologies6
EENG2116ERadiofrequency Circuits and Systems6
INFO3253EIntroduction to Cyber Security6
INFO1107EIT Services and Projects Management6
EENG1217EMeasuring Devices6
EENG2117ERadiolocation and Radionavigation6
EENG2118ERadio-Tele Broadcasting Technologies6

Credits sum:


Free credit

Code Subject ECTS

Credits sum:


Matrix Of Privequisites

In order to obtain a bachelor's degree, a student must complete 240 credits, which includes the following distribution of credits:

The program electives are conditionally divided into three groups of specialties: Electronics, Communications and Intelligent Systems. The student has the opportunity to accumulate credits of one of the groups to complete a bachelor's project in a specific direction.

Under free credits, a student may study subjects in the same program, a similar graduate program, or other programs at the university by meeting the appropriate prerequisites.

Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
94-96 3,75 A
91-93 3,50 A-
87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
84-86 3,00 B B
81-83 2,75 B-  
77-80 2,50 C+   C good
74-76 2,25 C
71-73 2,00 C-
67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
64-66 1,50 D
61-63 1,25 D-
51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
Not passed
41-50   FX FX Insufficient
<40   F F Failed

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