
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Psychology
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Nana Burduli
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: BA in Psychology
Program capacity: 240
Program permission:

Admission criteria/ prerequisite (for the citizens of Georgia):
The students are enrolled on the bachelor programs on the basis of the results of the national entrance exams or on the basis of the decree  №224/ნ  (December 29, 2011) of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, on the basis of  the administrative registration and the decree of the Rector.

Admission criteria/ prerequisites (for the foreign country citizens):
Foreign entrants who completed secondary education abroad or got the education equivalent to it, or/and completed the last two years of secondary education  abroad , or students, who lived abroad during last two or more years and studied abroad in higher educational institutions accredited in compliance with the  legislation of the host country can be  enrolled in the program without taking national entrance exams on the basis of the decree № 224 / ნ  (December 29, 2011)  of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia. If the entrants don’t have English language Certificate FCE (First Certificate in English) the language competence (B2 – Intermediate )  is proved on the basis of the University exam in English with the minimal passing rate 60%.

Program goals:

The main goal of the program is to introduce to students major domains of scientific psychology. In particular, it aims: 

(a) To present contemporary points of views of human perception, learning and thinking, human interactions, development through life span, motivation dynamics, and similarities and differences between people; 

(b) Familiarization of students with general principles, research planning process characteristics and particular methods of scientific research in psychology with are used for gaining and accumulating factual empirical knowledge; 

(c) To introduce the conceptual frameworks in which existing empirical knowedge is accumulated and organized; 

(d) To present the norms of professional ethics and transfer skills of conducting profes

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
Date of approval: 08-30-2016
Approval protocol number: 27-16
Date of program update:
Update protocol number: 01-21
Program details:
Teaching Process Characteristics:

The length for undergraduate studies is defined as 4 years or 8 terms. University Study Day is divided in lectures (lessons).The lecture consists of several (two, three or four) parts (theoretical part, practical seminar, lab), each of length - 60 minutes. At the University groups (classes) are formed as from 25 or 50 students. The minimum number of students per group is 10. If during the registration less than 10 students registered, the University reserves the right not to open the group.

I Year

Program Core

PSYC1331Developmental Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC1241History of Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC1240Biological Basis of Behavior6შემოდგომა
KART1220Academic Writing6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული
HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული
PSYC1221Principles of Psychology I6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული
PSYC1223Principles of Psychology II6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული
PSYC1335Research Methods in Psychology 16შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული

Credits sum:



BUSN1210Basics of Business and Economics6გაზაფხული
PHIL2130History of Philosophic Thought6გაზაფხული
PSYC1518Problem-based learning in Psychology6გაზაფხული
COMM4135Public Speaking Skills6გაზაფხული
SOCL3110The Principles of Sociology6გაზაფხული
ENGL1147English Language I (A1)6შემოდგომა
ENGL1247English Language II (A2)6შემოდგომა
ENGL2147English Language III (B1/1)6შემოდგომა
INFO1115MS Office6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


II Year

Program Core

PSYC1323Cognitive Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC3260Personality Psychology II6გაზაფხული
PSYC1313Social Psychology II6გაზაფხული
PSYC1320Cognitive Psychology I6შემოდგომა
PSYC3167Experimental Psychology6შემოდგომა
PSYC1430Personality Psychology I6შემოდგომა
PSYC1315Social Psychology I6შემოდგომა
ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული
PSYC1350Research Methods In Psychology 26შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული

Credits sum:



PSYC1414Professional English for Psychologists6გაზაფხული
PSYC4270Psychology of Religion6შემოდგომა
PSYC1516The major movements of psychology in the ХХ century6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Clinical Psychology

PSYC1260The child's Mental disorders6გაზაფხული

Credits sum:


Psychology of Education and Development

PSYC1260The child's Mental disorders6გაზაფხული

Credits sum:


Psychology of Labor and Organization

MGMT3121Basics of Organizational Behavior6გაზაფხული
PSYC1341Psychology of Conflict6გაზაფხული

Credits sum:


III Year

Program Core

PSYC2190Statistics for the Social Sciences II6გაზაფხული
PSYC1231Clinical Psychology6გაზაფხული/შემოდგომა
PSYC7710Psychology of Set II6გაზაფხული/შემოდგომა
PSYC2210Psychology of Set I6შემოდგომა
PSYC1270Statistics for the Social Sciences I6შემოდგომა
PSYC4415Work and organizational psychology6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:



PSYC1345Forensic Psychology6გაზაფხული
FRAN1247French Language II (A2)6გაზაფხული
GERM1216German Language A1/26გაზაფხული
ITAL1247Italian language II (A2)6გაზაფხული
SPAN1247Spanish language II (A2)6გაზაფხული
FRAN1147French Language I (A1)6შემოდგომა
GERM1116German Language A1/16შემოდგომა
ITAL1147Italian Language I (A1)6შემოდგომა
SPAN1147Spanish Language I (A1)6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Clinical Psychology

PSYC3295Consulting Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC3131Abnormal Psychology6შემოდგომა
PSYC1421Psychosomatic Medicine6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Psychology of Education and Development

PSYC3295Consulting Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC1425Psychological characteristics of children of school age.6გაზაფხული
PSYC3115Fundamentals of educational psychology6შემოდგომა
PSYC1415Psychological characteristics preschool aged child6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Psychology of Labor and Organization

PSYC1351Conflicts and Negotiations6გაზაფხული
PSYC1355Psychology of Management6გაზაფხული
PSYC1432Interpersonal Communication6შემოდგომა
PSYC1435Psychology of Influence6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


IV Year

Program Core

PSYC1426Bachelor Thesis in Psychology18გაზაფხული/შემოდგომა

Credits sum:



FRAN2247French Language IV (B1/2)6გაზაფხული
GERM2216German Language A2/26გაზაფხული
ITAL2247Italian Language IV (B1/2)6გაზაფხული
SPAN2247Spanish language IV ( B1/2)6გაზაფხული
FRAN2147French Language III (B1/1)6შემოდგომა
GERM2116German Language A2/16შემოდგომა
ITAL2147Italian Language III (B1/1)6შემოდგომა
PSYC1314Research Practices in Psychology6შემოდგომა
SPAN2147Spanish language III (B1/1)6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Clinical Psychology

PSYC4190Basics of Psychodiagnostics6შემოდგომა
PSYC1530Basics of Psychotherapy6შემოდგომა
PSYC1525Behavior disorders6შემოდგომა
PSYC1311Practice in Clinical Psychology6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Psychology of Education and Development

PSYC4190Basics of Psychodiagnostics6შემოდგომა
PSYC1525Behavior disorders6შემოდგომა
PSYC1436Issues of Violence Against Children6შემოდგომა
PSYC1317practice in educational and developmental psychology6შემოდგომა/გაზაფხული

Credits sum:


Psychology of Labor and Organization

PSYC1316Practice in Labour and Orgazation Psychology6გაზაფხული
PSYC4190Basics of Psychodiagnostics6შემოდგომა
PSYC1515Psychology of Advertising6შემოდგომა
PSYC1428Social Skills Training6შემოდგომა

Credits sum:


Matrix Of Privequisites

Evaluation system

Weekly review

36 point / 36%;

Research Paper

10 point/ 10%;

Midterm exams

24 point / 24%;

Final exam

30 point / 30%

Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
94-96 3,75 A
91-93 3,50 A-
87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
84-86 3,00 B B
81-83 2,75 B-  
77-80 2,50 C+   C good
74-76 2,25 C
71-73 2,00 C-
67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
64-66 1,50 D
61-63 1,25 D-
51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
Not passed
41-50   FX FX Insufficient
<40   F F Failed

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