
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Law
Study Level: Graduate
Program leader: Lali Lazarashvili
Ana Khurtsidze
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Master of Laws
Program capacity: 120
Program permission:
Program goals:
Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
  • Knowledge and understanding

    · Graduate of the program:

    · possesses deep and systematic theoretical knowledge in the field of private, criminal and/or public law necessary for the formation of a new vision of solving complex and/or interdisciplinary problems; The graduate student describes the achievements of national and foreign law, development perspectives and main trends, problems of interrelationship and interrelation of international and national law; · describes current problems of legal science, modern field methods of scientific research, rules of academic honesty and issues of academic ethics, also, the basic rules and principles of creating professional scientific texts; · describes trends in jurisprudence, dogmatics and legislation, as well as ways to resolve gaps and inaccuracies; · describes the practice and precedents of national and/or international courts, by generalizing which the student describes the main methodological principles of solving practical problems; · describes the rules of judicial ethics, including the issues of communication of the judge with the public and the features of the disciplinary proceedings of judges; · explains the importance of the influence of EU law on the development of Georgian law; · defines the essence of comparative law and the purpose of using the comparative legal method.


    · Graduate of the program: · identifies and comprehensively evaluates complex legal problems, develops original ways to solve the problem; · searches for legal norms, uses different methods of norm definition and compares them in a justified way, taking into account the interrelationship of domestic and international law norms; · analyzes judicial practice, legislative field and relevant news and draws appropriate conclusions; · analyzes and generalizes judicial practice in relation to a specific case, highlights legally important issues and develops appropriate argumentation for his/her position;

    · will reconcile legislative gaps, inconsistent judicial practice and incomplete or conflicting data of scientific research and will formulate conclusions argued for their perfection; evaluates the positive and negative consequences of own decisions and draws appropriate conclusions; · will independently carry out research, which includes identification of an actual legal problem, planning of the scientific-research process, systematization of complex or incomplete information obtained from various sources using research methods, discussion-analysis of scientific approaches, evaluation of positions, drawing a reasoned conclusion, development of the scientific research project/paper in compliance with the standards of academic ethics. · independently compiles legal documents; · autonomously searches for information (judicial practice, legislative changes, scientific opinions) in Georgian and English; · to the professional and academic community, as well as to non-lawyers, using legal terminology, he/she will present his/her legally argued views and makes reports; · presents his/her research results orally and in writing to the professional and academic community as well as to non-lawyers, using the latest electronic resources and adhering to standards of integrity in academic writing.

    Responsibility and autonomy

    · Graduate of the program: · by synthesizing the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, through the analysis of primary sources, scientific articles and court decisions, will expand knowledge and independently conduct studies in the field of law; · assesses the need/ability to continue studying at the next level of higher education and develops well-grounded basis for conducting doctoral research; · receives instructions for managing complex, unpredictable, or multidisciplinary material or environments, including planning and managing work time, research, and developing strategic approaches to thesis preparation; · participates in the development of professional knowledge and legal practice through his/her activities, uses strategic approaches and/or innovative ways of solving problems, helps colleagues and shares his/her own experience with them;

    · takes responsibility for his own and others' activities and professional development, creates conditions for reaching a common team decision; · analyzes legal values and, if necessary, contributes to the formation of new values; · recognizes and respects the rules of academic honesty, ethical results of scientific research; · respects the standards of judicial ethics, aspects of the judge's values (impartiality, impregnability, equality, competence and consideration) and, if necessary, participates in the development of said values, to ensure a fair balancing of the interests of the parties;

  • Date of approval: 10-24-2005
    Approval protocol number: 3
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number:
    Program details:
    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    LAWC5420Academic Writing – Methods of Research6 3
    LAWC6114Law Clinic12 3
    LAWC8080Master's Thesis in Law30 4

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    INFO5598Artificial Intelligence and Law6
    LAWCR5192Drug Crimes and Criminal Policy6
    LAWCR5253Medical Criminal Law - Dogmatics and Practice6
    LAWP5254Freedom of Speech in Comparative Perspective6
    LAWP5256Political, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Rights6
    LAWPA5237Rule of Law and Its Pathologies6
    BLCH5118Regulation of Cryptocurrencies6
    BLCH5119Regulation of Smart Contracts6
    LAWC5125International Business Law6
    LAWC5131Commercial Mediation for Master’s6
    LAWC5170Property Law6
    LAWC5210Law of Obligations6
    LAWC5331Allegation Law6
    LAWC5340Comparative Contract Law6
    LAWCR5120Crime Classification Problems6
    LAWCR5126Methods of interrogation of witness in criminal proceedings6
    LAWCR5140Comparative criminal procedural law6
    LAWCR5150Subsumption and qualification issues in crimes against humanity6
    LAWCR5330European Criminal Law6
    LAWCR6120Human Rights in Criminal Procedure6
    LAWCR6140Criminal law dogma and case law6
    LAWCR6160Foundation of investigation6
    LAWP 5260Comparative Constitutional Law6
    LAWP5250Legal Forms of Administrative Organs Activity6
    LAWP5255US Legal System6
    LAWP5310Legal ethics6
    LAWP5470Education Law6
    LAWP5490Constitutional Basis of Property Rights6
    LAWPA5340Taxation Law6
    LAWC5140Corporate Law6
    LAWC5220Law of Family and Inheritance6
    LAWC5275Arbitration Law6
    LAWC5310Court Decisions of Contract Law6
    LAWC5320Insurance Law6
    LAWC5390Comparative Tort Law6
    LAWC5410Demand Securing Law6
    LAWC5510Terms in Civil Law6
    LAWC5521Case Law on Constitutional Control in Georgia and Abroad6
    LAWC5522Administrative Rulemaking6
    LAWCR5210Subsumption and qualification issues in crimes against property6
    LAWCR6145International Criminal Law Doctrine and Case Law6
    LAWCR6165Violence in Family and Against Women - Practical Course6
    LAWP5137Freedom of Religion and Belief6
    LAWP5460Law of Public Service6
    LAWP5510Law of Political Parties6
    LAWPA5220Administrative Procedural Law6
    LAWC5230Specifics of Civil Procedure6
    LAWC5270Labour Law of European Union6
    LAWC5316Moot Court for Masters18
    LAWC5317Medical Law6
    LAWP9090World Trade Organization6

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    მატერიალური რესურსები

    პროგრამის რუკები

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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