
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Business Administration
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Eka Gegeshidze
Study language: English
Qualification: Bachelor of Business Administration
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: English language B1 level (70%) and other legislative requirements, namely citizens of Georgia should successfully pass Unified National Entrance Examinations. Foreign high-school graduates who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad or students who lived abroad for the last two or more years and who are currently studying abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries will be able to enter the program without passing Uniform National Entrance Examinations according to Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011).
Program goals:

The objective of the program is provide a student with basics of modern business administration. To provide solid foundation for business administration sections –such as finances, marketing, accounting, management and etc. as well as business sections such as banking, insurance, industrial, financial and etc. After completing the program a student will develop basic entrepreneur skills, as well as receives knowledge and skills that are necessary for lower and middle level managers in Georgia and worldwide.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Lectures and seminars
  • Working with textbooks
  • Discussion
  • Discussion
  • Demonstration
  • Usage of video and audio products
  • Interactive studies     
  • Life problems
  • Role games
  • Identification of new information
  • implementation of small studies 
  • Practical study
  • Team work
  • Reproduction
  • Field work
  • Formulation and solving of a problem
  • Producing (small) more complicated research
  • Critical analysis
  • Presenting and defending debatable topics
  • Team tasks
  • Problem solving tasks
  • Projects
  • Case study
  • Literature analysis
  • Critical assessment of own work
  • Constrictive criticism
  • Working with textbook
  • Searching required literature electronically and in library
  • Writing assignments
  • Writing about a topic
  • Presentation
  • Verbal and oral methods
  • Presenting and defending controversial topics
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • Know assessment principles of financial investment instruments, methods of constructing financial portfolios, risk management and analysis
  • Know financial markets, financial instruments and financial institutions
  • Understand internationally accepted accounting principles, methodologies for assessing financial position of the company, producing income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement
  • Know modern PR methodologies for forming public opinion, understanding of competitiveness
  • Understand theoretical basis for providing effective advertisement performance
  • Know modern technologies of managing advertisement and promotions, general methodology of promotion and pricing, costing and cost strategy analysis
  • Know price systems, trademarks that are used by international marketing systems
  • Understand modeling of network for product distribution
  • Know fundamental principles and theories of Marketing, modern understanding of competitiveness of companies
  • Understand management`s strategic, financial, production, administrative, international, social, cultural aspects
  • Understand management structure, its subsystems and its relationship
  • Understand theoretical basics of business optimisation and management
  • Know assessment principles of the strategic alternatives and methodology of competitive business strategy
  • Know discussion and decision making principles
  • Know critical methods of analysis of an organisation and environment, modern methods of assessment and modeling of the happening
  • Know legislative forms of business organisation
  • Understand ethics of business environment
  • Understand achievements of school of management
  • Know mathematical and statistical theories
  • Know monetary and fiscal policies, inflation, unemployment, theories of developing state economics
  • Know the state role in economics
  • Understand participants of market, market forces, role of competition for product pricing
  • Know main principles and theories of micro and macro economics

  • Skills
  • Work individually and in team
  • Plan, motivate, control, implement
  • Lead
  • Develop strategic vision, design business plan with accordance of requirements, identify critical solution, develop an operational plan
  • Organise with accordance of requirements marketing research, analyse statistical information
  • Use mathematical and statistical application for solving financial problems
  • Create financial and bookkeeping documentation
  • Generate final results' assessment coefficients
  • Assess investment project
  • Produce expenditure, expenses and budget documents, calculation of production cost
  • Find information on financial market regarding financial instruments and organise financial portfolios
  • Analyse quantitative and qualitative results of a research
  • Make conclusions and arguments based on the statistical analysis of marketing research
  • Predict future sales and prices based on past statistical results
  • Analyse market and environment forces; to compare competitors and week and strong sides in business SWOT analysis
  • Analyse financial documentation of the organisation and make decisions regarding its financial position
  • Analyse reasons that brings difference between budgeted and actual results
  • Make optimal judgement when assessing investment projects
  • Analyse special financial information from special TV programs and newspapers and to make correct judgment based on these information
  • Present own vision in writing as well as to make presentation using modern technology
  • Use appropriate terminology during a presentation
  • Explain or tell appropriate information to the specialists as well as other interested individuals
  • Participate in discussion
  • Present detailed analysis of the result in writing
  • Communicate fluently in Georgian and in English
  • Use electronical communication at academic level

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • State its own professional interests and independently identify preferable continuation of study at next level of education or progress knowledge by new certified courses
  • Search required literature electronically and in library
  • Constantly progress its knowledge by using Georgian and English special literature
  • Consider liberal-democratic attitudes expressed by respecting individual and property
  • Consider correct attitude towards physical and intellectual properties. Consider personal and collective responsibilities
  • Consider responsibilities toward the community and state expressed as respect to the law and business ethics
  • Consider the role of the values in developing of the State and welfare of future generation
  • Date of approval: 06-13-2012
    Approval protocol number: 21-12
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 31-16
    Program details:

    student has the opportunity to choose 12 free credits

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The length for undergraduate studies is defined as 4 years or 8 terms. University Study Day is divided in lectures (lessons).The lecture consists of several (two, three or four) parts (theoretical part, practical – seminar, lab), each of length - 60 minutes. At the University groups (classes) are formed as from 25 or 50 students. The minimum number of students per group is 10. If during the registration less than 10 students registered, the University reserves the right not to open the group.

    University Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    BUSN1210EBasics of Business and Economics6 1
    HIST1120EIntroduction to World History6 1
    KART1220EAcademic Writing6 1
    HIST1230EIntroduction to the History of Georgia6 5

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    MATH1111EMathematics for Economists I6 1
    ECON1290EPrinciples of Microeconomics6 2
    LAWB4300ECorporations6 2
    MATH1211EMathematics for Economists II6 2
    PSYC1275ESocial Psychology6 2
    ACCT2122EFinancial Accounting I (basics, Part I)6 3
    ECON2190EPrinciples of Macroeconomics6 3
    INFO1133EMS office6 3
    MGMT2110EBasics of Management6 3
    MKTG2210EBasics of Marketing6 3
    ACCT2210EBasics of Managerial Accounting6 4
    ACCT2221EFinancial Accounting I (basics, Part II)6 4
    ECON2160EMicroeconomics I6 4
    MGMT2210EFundamentals of the Strategic Management6 4
    STAT2218EBusiness Statistics6 4
    FINA3115EPrinciples of Finance6 5
    MGMT3110EBasics of Operation Management6 5
    COMM4130EBasics of Advertising6 6
    ECON3210EBasics of International Business and economics6 6
    MGMT3121EBasics of Organizational Behavior6 6
    MGMT3221EBusiness-communications6 6
    FINA3220EFundamentals of the Investment6 7
    MGMT3211EHuman Resource Management6 7
    MKTG3210EBasics of customers Behavior6 7
    MKTG3220EMarketing Researches6 7
    MKTG4110EBrand Management6 7
    BUSN4250EProject and Thesis in Business Adminsitration30 8

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    student should take 12 ECTS from the given list. Georgian student can choose English language and foreign student Georgian language
    Code Subject ECTS
    ENGL1110EGeneral English I6
    KART1141Georgian, as a second language I6
    ENGL1120EGeneral English II6
    KART1241Georgian, as a second language II6
    COMM4120EIntroduction to Public Relations6
    ECON2260EMicroeconomics II6
    INTR4210EInternship in Business12
    MATH2111EMathematics for Economists III6
    MGMT4220EProject Management6
    MKTG4220EElectronic Commerce And Online Marketing6
    MKTG4230EGlobal Marketing Strategies6
    BUSN3210EBasics of Business and Economics Forecast6
    FINA4115ECorporative Finances (intermediate)6
    INFO3212EDecision Modeling in MS Excel6
    INTR4309EInternship in Economics and Business administration6

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Evaluation system

    Weekly review

    36 point / 36%;

    Research Paper

    10 point/ 10%;

    Midterm exams

    24 point / 24%;

    Final exam

    30 point / 30%

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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