
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Art
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Gvelesiani Mariam
Tina Gudushauri
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Bachelor of Art History and Theory
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: Enrollment of students at the first level of academic higher education (undergraduate programs) is carried out based on the results of the unified national exams or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 224/N (December 29, 2011), passing administrative registration and the order of the university presidents.
Program goals:

The aim of the bachelor's program is to promote the study, preservation and presentation of the country's rich cultural heritage by training a qualified art historian with appropriate professional competence and practical skills. The program is based on student-centered, complex, interdisciplinary teaching and is aimed at meeting students’ diverse interests and requirements, developing critical and creative thinking, and forming the skills to achieve success in the field of research of works of art today. In order to achieve the goal, the program includes broad knowledge of the field and considers the requirements of the labor market and the employer ensured by the broad humanitarian profile of the program with the included academic resources and training components.

The curriculum of the program envisages the mandatory passing of the practical component by the student, which contributes to the development of the skills of applying theoretical knowledge in practice. As an alternative to a minor specialty, the student is given the opportunity to choose a concentration of subjects in cultural heritage management and to acquire specific knowledge (art marketing and management, principles of auctions and international antique market management, legislation related to cultural heritage, the management of projects in the field of culture, the basics of exhibition work, etc.), conditioning not only employment in the field of cultural heritage, but also the development of managerial skills being in high demand in the country today and making the undergraduate competitive in the labor market. Accordingly, a bachelor can be employed in art galleries, scientific-research institutions (Institute of History and Ethnology, National Center of Manuscripts), museums, the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, art auctions, other governmental or non-governmental structures working on issues of preservation, restoration or evaluation of works of art or/ and continue studying at a further level of education (master's degree) with a major (art studies) or a related (cultural heritage management, arts management, cultural studies) specialization.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • The undergraduate


    • The principles of apprehending and analyzing the ancient works of art, including the general history of emergence and development of Georgian metal sculpture, artistic samples and characteristic/distinguishing features;
    • The principles of identifying works of art (belonging to different people and epochs) and artistic analysis;
    • The most important monuments of Georgian architecture and the history and landmark examples of the development of medieval Georgian sculpture;
    • The key issues and most important stages of the development of civilizations and mankind, as well as the history of Georgia;


    • English at B 2/2 level and one of the classical languages (Ancient Greek or Latin) at basic level and the basics of drawing.

    Defines and characterizes:

    • All major stages of the history of world art (prehistoric, ancient, medieval, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism) and individual eras (Renaissance, Middle Ages, Modern era) and regions / the main criteria and characteristics of artistic-aesthetic value of the samples of cultural achievements of countries (Middle East, Georgia, Western Europe and America, Far East-China, Japan and others);

  • Skills
  • The undergraduate:

    • Applies the acquired basic knowledge and skills in practice and participates in art studies expeditions or museum activities by selecting/using a research method (a. formal analysis; b. comparative analysis; c. artistic analysis) relevant to the field (considering the period, the nature of the material) of the work of art and /or identifies, classifies makes a conclusion or descriptive report (written and oral) of a cultural artifact;
    • Constantly renews the acquired knowledge (basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in art science) and integrates it with the changing information through familiarization/use of scientific field literature.
    • Systematizes, analyses and generalizes the obtained results of various types of (artistic, archaeological, historical, architectural) information during the research of the art monument;
    • Purposefully and persuasively interacts with specialists (art connoisseur, archaeologist, historian, culturologist, architect) or interested persons (public, media, and others) regarding the works of art or cultural heritage in general.

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • The undergraduate:

    • With slight support, takes responsibility to select a relevant problem for artistic research, plan and conduct small-scale research, and transform the obtained results into the format of a bachelor's thesis;
    • For professional development, determines and implements the need to pursue studies at the next level of education (master's degree).
  • Date of approval: 11-15-2007
    Approval protocol number: 13
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 14/19
    Program details:
    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    Humanitarian-Social Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    LAWB1155Debates and Critical Thinking6 1,2,3
    LAWB1177Thinking and Morality6 1,2,3
    POLI2260Basics of Political Ideologies6 1,2,3
    BUSN4433Economy, business, management6 1,2,3
    HIST1222History of Russian occupation in Georgia6 1,2,3
    LAWB1195Citizenship in the modern world6 1,2,3
    ANTH3130Basics of Cultural Anthropology6 1,2,3
    LITR1212The great Books6 1,2,3

    Credits sum:


    STEM Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    STEM0002Ingenuity, entrepreneurship and technology6 1,3
    STEM0003Experiments that changed the world6 1,3
    STEM0004Game theory6 1,3
    STEM0007Mathematics and Civilizations6 1,3
    STEM0011Computational reasoning6 1,3
    STEM0012Biology and Health of the Human6 1,2
    STEM0013Basics of Cyber Hygiene6 1,2
    STEM00146 1,2
    MATH1414Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning6 1,3
    STEM0005Modern technologies6 1,3
    STEM0010Logic6 1,3

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    ARTS1110History of World Art (General course)6 1
    ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6 1
    HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6 1
    ARTS1210Decorative Applied Arts - Style and Era6 2
    ARTS1212Basics of art analysis of the artefacts6 2
    ARTS2140History of Georgian Art6 2
    ARTS2237Drawing6 3
    HIST1230Introduction to the History of Georgia6 3
    ARTS2210Georgian Architectural Monuments6 4
    ARTS3110Islamic Art6 4
    ARTS3217The art of the Far East – China and Japan6 4
    GREK2217Old Greek language6 4
    LATN2217Latin Language6 4
    ARTS3130Christian Art in the Middle Ages6 5
    ARTS3250Georgian Monumental and Lithographic Art6 5
    ARTS4117Georgian Metallic Sculpture6 5
    ARTS3215Georgian Sculpture of the middle ages6 6
    ARTS3220Renaissance Art6 6
    ARTS3230Contemporary Georgian Art6 6
    ARTS4120Contemporary Art in Western Europe and the USA6 7
    ARTS4137Intership in arts study6 7
    ARTS4240Bachelor’s Thesis in Arts Studies12 8

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    ARTS2121Symbolics in the christian art6
    ARTS3131Painter in the Theatre6
    ARTS5757History of World and Georgian Cinema6
    ARCT1240History of the Modern Architecture6
    ARCT2130Basics of Architecture Design6
    ARTM1110Basics of the creative marketing6
    ARTM1120Principles of creativity and creative industry6
    ARTS1515Philosophy of Arts6
    ARTS1717Judaism in Arts and Jewish Cultural Heritage6
    HIST2230Hellenism and Georgia6
    KART4227Georgian mythology and folklore6
    KART3231Paradigms of Georgian Culture6
    PHIL2130History of Philosophic Thought6
    ARCT1220Basics of Fine Arts I6
    BYZN1217Byzantine Civilization6
    HIST2130Epoch and Religion6
    HIST2157Basics of Ancient Culture6
    HIST4343History of the Religion6
    ARCT2110Basics of Fine Arts II6
    ARTS4157Technology and conservation of glass, ceramic products and metal products6

    Credits sum:


    Free credit

    Code Subject ECTS
    CHIN1111(A1/HSK1) Chinese6

    Credits sum:


    Cultural Heritage Management - Specialization Core

    ARTS3120Georgian Museum Collections65
    MGMT2110Basics of Management66
    CULT3237Legislative basis of cultural heritage66
    ARTS4167Basics of gallery field67
    CULT4117Project management of cultural fields67
    ARTS4215Arts Marketing and Management68
    ARTS4147International antiquity market, legislation, auction;68

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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