
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Strategic Communications
Study Level: Undergraduate
Program leader: Bibilashvili Leli
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Bachelor of Mass Communication
Program capacity: 240
Program permission: Enrollment of students at the first level of academic higher education (undergraduate programs) is carried out based on the results of unified national exams or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 224/N (December 29, 2011) after passing administrative registration and the order of the presidents.
Program goals:

The program aims to educate highly competent specialists with liberal-humane values ​​in strategic communications and thus contribute to the democratic development of society, the well-being of the Georgian nation and humanity. The goal of the strategic communications undergraduate program is to upskill graduates in the multi-faceted field of strategic communications, in particular, to train specialists in the direction of public relations and marketing communications, who will be able to plan and implement strategic plans, communication campaigns, conduct research, and develop social media campaigns. Graduates will be able to be employed in the business and financial sector, in private and public agencies, in international and non-governmental organizations, and research and consulting services.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Interactive teaching
  • Situational tasks
  • Role-playing
  • News Analysis
  • Conducting small research
    Literature review
  • Practical work
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical analysis
  • Discussions
  • Debate
  • Group assignments
  • Project-based learning
  • Case study and analysis (case study)
  • Finding relevant material in an online format or the library
  • Presenting a presentation
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • Upon completion of the program, the graduate

    • Describes and discusses the principles of strategic communications planning and evaluation, including the approaches for selecting and implementing research methods (qualitative and quantitative).
    • Describes and analyzes the features of creating a brand concept and communication, as well as principles of planning advertising.
    • Evaluates and analyzes the role of multimedia and social media techniques in effective strategic communication.
    • Discusses the features of integrated marketing communication and the techniques for developing communication messages;
    • Analyzes the importance of public relations and strategic communication at the organizational and country levels.
    • Analyzes the relationship of PR with marketing, sales strategy and international marketing communications.
    • Describes the main functions and job responsibilities of strategic communications (writing-editing, research, consulting) and the principles of their functioning.
    • Explains aspects of developing marketing plans and using the 4P model (product, price, place, promotion).
    • Discusses the features of public speaking, news creation, and the importance of the role of the media in strategic communications;
    • Describes the features of working in Adobe programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge, Premiere) and their use for multimedia projects.

  • Skills
  • Upon completion of the program, the graduate

    • Plans a strategic communications strategy, which includes situational analysis through secondary and primary research, target audience selection, strategic message formulation, strategy and tactical steps identification, and examination of evaluation indicators and methods.
    • Prepares media products (articles, reports, multimedia projects) for strategic communications purposes.
    • Creates advertising briefs, advertising campaigns, and defines messages for various communication channels.
    • Creates a brand concept and plans communication using social media and traditional media for brand positioning.
    • Develops integrated marketing communications strategies.
    • Evaluates and selects target audiences for campaigns based on demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics.
    • Develops and evaluates communication messages and campaign effectiveness using qualitative and quantitative research.
    • Analyzes the results of advertising activities and campaigns, evaluates the success/failure factors of brand concepts and communication activities, including through brand audit methods.

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • Upon completion of the program, the graduate

    • Protects and recognizes the principles of academic integrity and ethical responsibility in professional activities.
    • Appreciates and protects democratic values ​​(freedom of speech and expression, human rights) in everyday professional practice.
    • Ensures the establishment of a professional environment based on respect for competitors and colleagues.
  • Date of approval: 06-11-2008
    Approval protocol number: 50-08
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 48-18
    Program details:

    The program enables students to accumulate 96 ECTS through minor programs, elective courses and/or free elective courses, apart from the humanitarian-social and STEM blocks. The program considers the different competencies of students in the English language. Namely, the student starts the English language from the stage that corresponds to his knowledge, which is determined based on the assessment obtained from the unified national exams: if the student's score is placed in the interval [0-50]-A2; if the student's score is placed in the gap [51-75]- B1/1 If the student's score is in the interval (76-100)-B1/2, the student who has not passed the English language is given a placement test to determine the level and then they are registered at the appropriate level, not higher than B1/2.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    To obtain a bachelor's academic degree, a student needs to accumulate 240 ECTS, which implies 18 ECTS from the humanitarian-social block and 12 ECTS from the STEM block, 114 ECTS from the program core subjects; 18 ECTS from free elective credits; 78 ECTS can be selected and accumulated within the program elective and marketing communication and/or PR strategy and campaign electives. This change only applies to students enrolled after 2021. The teaching language of the program is Georgian, with separate English-language components. Accordingly, all components are taught mainly in Georgian, except for those courses where English-language literature is used.

    Humanitarian-Social Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    HIST1118Civilizations and Mankind Development6 2,4
    LAWB1155Debates and Critical Thinking6 2,4
    LAWB1177Thinking and Morality6 2,4
    POLI2260Basics of Political Ideologies6 2,4
    ANTH3130Basics of Cultural Anthropology6 2,4
    HIST1222History of Russian occupation in Georgia6 2,4
    LAWB1195Citizenship in the modern world6 2,4
    LITR1212The great Books6 2,4

    Credits sum:


    STEM Block

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    MATH1414Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning6 2,3
    STEM0002Ingenuity, entrepreneurship and technology6 2,3
    STEM0005Modern technologies6 2,3
    STEM0007Mathematics and Civilizations6 2,3
    STEM0010Logic6 2,3
    STEM0011Computational reasoning6 2,3
    STEM0012Biology and Health of the Human6 1,2
    STEM0013Basics of Cyber Hygiene6 1,2
    STEM00146 1,2
    STEM0003Experiments that changed the world6 2,3
    STEM0004Game theory6 2,3

    Credits sum:


    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    COMM4120Introduction to Public Relations6 1
    ENGL3213English Language VI (B2/2)6 1
    JMMB2111Journalism Reporting I/News Reporting6 1
    KART1220Academic Writing6 1
    SOCL3110The Principles of Sociology6 1
    BUSN4433Economy, business, management6 2
    MKTG2210Basics of Marketing6 2
    COMM4110Message Creation and development6 3
    COMM4130Basics of Advertising6 3
    PSYC1488Basics of Social Psychology6 3
    COMM4230Basics of Strategic Communication6 4
    JMMB3125Multimedia Journalism6 4
    COMM4135Public Speaking Skills6 5
    COMM4210Branding6 5
    INFO4115Basics of Publishing programs6 5
    COMM4140Integrated Marketing Communications6 6
    COMM5146Final Project in Public Relations18 8

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    COMM4350Disinformation: Identification and Research6
    COMM4355Crisis Communication6
    JMMB4232Disinformation and Society6
    JMMB4234Speech Theory and Culture6
    COMM4255Internship in Public Relations6
    JMMB1212Critical Writing6
    JMMB1218Fact - Checking and Verification6
    JMMB3140Mass Media and Society6
    PSYC1225introduction to pshychology6
    SOCL2525Democracy and Citizenship6

    Credits sum:


    Concentration of marketing communications - Direction Elective

    JMMB2250Digital Media Technologies - Social Media, Platforms and Audience6გაზაფხული
    COMM4240International Marketing Communications6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2311Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences6გაზაფხული
    COMM4150Sales Strategy6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2314Basics of Digital Marketing Strategy6შემოდგომა
    JMMB2315Content Marketing6შემოდგომა
    JMMB4235New Media Technologies6შემოდგომა
    JMMB2310Quantitative Research Methods in Social Sciences6შემოდგომა

    Credits sum:


    Public relations strategy and campaigns - Direction Elective

    COMM4252Corporate Social Responsibility6გაზაფხული
    COMM4315Event Management6გაზაფხული
    COMM4215Image Making6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2311Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2317Social Media Analytics6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2313Social Media Strategy and Campaigns6გაზაფხული
    JMMB2310Quantitative Research Methods in Social Sciences6შემოდგომა
    COMM4220Strategic Communication Case Studies6შემოდგომა

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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