
The University Of Georgia
Program name: History
Study Level: Doctoral
Program leader: Zurab Batiashvili
Sanadze Manana
Chikvaidze Tsira
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: PhD/Doctor in History
Program capacity: 60
Program permission: Individuals holding a master's degree or a commensurate academic qualification in the fields of humanitarian, social and behavioral sciences, interdisciplinary studies, or legal studies, and who demonstrate a minimum English language proficiency level of B2 (upper-intermediate) as substantiated by a certificate issued by the Certus Document Center, shall be eligible for admission to the doctoral program. Alternatively, applicants may provide a diploma, attachment, or official notification confirming their completion of a Bachelor's or Master's program conducted in the English language. The Board of the School of Arts and Humanities evaluates candidates based on the following criteria: a) Assessment of the candidate's research aptitude. b) Evaluation of the alignment between the proposed research proposal and subject matter with the scientific scope and available human and material resources within the school. For more details, see:
Program goals:

The program aims at training a highly qualified specialist in various sub-fields of history (history of Georgia, history of the Middle East, modern and contemporary history of European and American countries - depending on the choice of the doctoral candidate), who can: 

  • Independently conduct scientific research, thus contribute to the production and implementation of newly acquired knowledge in the field of history as well as to the development of the field of history in Georgia, its internationalization and integration in international academic circles;
  • Prepare and teach separate disciplines of the field in higher educational institution;
  • Be competitive in the labor market.
Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • The postgraduate:  

    • Based on the latest achievements of the field, presents knowledge in the subfield of history chosen by him/her (history of Georgia, history of the Middle East, modern and contemporary history of European and American countries), which, taking into account the regularities of the development of the field and the latest concepts, allows for the expansion and implementation of the knowledge; 
    • Defines and formulates the significant issues of the philosophy of science such as: the types of scientific world views, their structural features and functions; the evolution of the scientific world views; the peculiarities of evolutionary paradigms; the essence of historical, systemic, sociological and anthropocentric paradigms; the reasons for changing scientific paradigms;  
    • Determines the principles of preparation and conducting of university lecture courses as well as applies the knowledge of technologies, considering modern strategies of teaching/assessment; 
    • Considers qualitative research methods and selects the method/methods relevant to the research topic providing valid results.  

  • Skills
  • The postgraduate:  

    • Critically analyzes and objectively evaluates new approaches and different positions in Georgian and/or foreign historiography, independently determines relevant topics for the scientific field of history; selects, investigates and applies relevant historical sources and latest achievements, expresses assumptions and hypotheses and works out (verified by new facts) the ways of solving a complex problem independently, correctly and efficiently; independently plans and carries out the research; objectively evaluates existing knowledge and values and creates new knowledge applying appropriate research and analytical approaches; 
    • Presents clearly and reasonably problematic issues of the field of history in written (in refereed journals) and orally (presentation, debates, conferences, etc.) in compliance with all standards of producing and formatting scientific texts in native and English language with the professional and academic community, in the context of existing studies on the issues at the local and international levels; 
    • evaluates modern strategies and methods of teaching, selects the most effective ones for the introduction of the main principles of student-oriented teaching in the academic process, for independent preparation and implementation of training courses, teaching-methodical material in the training-educational space. 

  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • The postgraduate:   

    • In synthesizing relevant information of the field, creates doctoral theses and publications with scientific value while maintaining academic and professional integrity; 
    • Respects divergent opinions and cultural diversity and upholds principles of academic and/or professional ethics. 
  • Date of approval: 12-09-2014
    Approval protocol number: 40/14
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: N43/19
    Program details:

    The number of words of the doctoral thesis is determined by not less than 30,000 and not more than 35,000 words. 

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The workload of a doctoral student consists of teaching and research components. 

    Teaching components last one semester and include 60 ECTS (core courses/activities -40 ECTS and elective -20 ECTS). The duration of the semester is determined by 22 weeks, and the academic year by 44 weeks. 

    The teaching components are led by the authors, while the research component - by the scientific supervisor of the doctoral student. 

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    HIST 7110Doctoral Seminar I in Specialization5 0
    HIST7111Doctoral Seminar II in Specialization5 0
    HIST7330Ph.D Theses in History0 0
    METH7117modern teaching strategies in height education5 0
    PDPR 7217education practice5 0
    QUAL 7210Qualitative Research Methods10 0
    SCNC7110philosipy of sciense10 0

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    HIST7112History Theories and Methodology10
    EENG7194Research project management10
    INFO7110E-Learning Management Systems5
    LANG 7210Text Processing and Translation5
    LANG 7217academic writting for scientific publication10
    MATH 7010Quantitative Methods of Research10

    Credits sum:


    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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