
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Business Administration
Study Level: Doctoral
Program leader: Eka Gegeshidze
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: PhD in Business Administration
Program capacity: 0
Program permission: Prerequisites for Admission to the Program: • Candidates with a master's degree or equivalent academic qualifications will be considered for the doctoral program. They should hold an international certificate indicating at least a B2 (Intermediate) level of English proficiency, or present documentation of completing English-language bachelor's/master's/doctoral studies abroad, or successfully pass an English language proficiency exam with a minimum score of 70%. • Individuals who have earned an academic degree in social or business sciences at the undergraduate or graduate level, or have completed various business administration training programs, and have a minimum of five years of work experience in a managerial role, will also be eligible for the program. • Applicants are required to present a doctoral research topic concept, including the research subject, a description of the research issue, justification of its significance, and proposed research methods. Additionally, if applicable, a master's thesis should be submitted as well. • Doctoral candidates can seek guidance on formulating their research topic concept from the head of the doctoral program according to their chosen topic. • The proposed doctoral research topic concept will be reviewed and discussed by a council established in accordance with the doctoral regulations. English Proficiency Certification: To confirm students’ level of English proficiency, students can provide international certificates from the following exams: • TOEFL IBT with a minimum score of 80. • IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5. • PTE General at a minimum B2 level. • FCE at a minimum B level. • CPE at a passing level. • CAE at a passing level. Criteria for Program Admission Decision: The School Board will consider the alignment of the proposed doctoral thesis concept with the school's scientific resources and topics
Program goals:
  • To produce well-rounded scientist-researchers in the field of business administration capable of creating, disseminating, identifying problems, and making evidence-based decisions in accordance with international and domestic labor market demands.
  • To train professor-teachers specializing in business administration.
Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Interactive lectures.
  • News discussions.
  • Critical analysis.
  • Literature review.
  • Working with course materials and textbooks.
  • Locating relevant materials in electronic or library formats.
  • Written assignments.
  • Verbal communication, including oral presentations.
  • Discussions and debates.
  • Action-oriented learning.
  • Flipped classroom.
  • Learning with platforms.
  • Project-based learning.
  • Preparing and delivering workshops.
Learning outcomes:
  • Upon completing the doctoral program, graduates have the ability to:

    • Reinterpret, systematically understand, and critically assess the latest advancements in the field of business management.
    • Acquire knowledge of contemporary trends and theories, enabling independent study of business administration literature, which can be applied in both academic and real-world business contexts.
    • Conduct educational and pedagogical activities in the field of business administration using cutting-edge teaching methods.
    • Independently plan and execute scientific research, including selecting the necessary research methodology in the field of business administration. This involves developing research models and methodologies for their own research topics, establishing research goals and/or hypotheses, utilizing quantitative or qualitative research methods, and processing data with ICT skills. Ethical values guide this process, ultimately focusing on creating new knowledge that can be shared through international peer-reviewed publications.
    • Develop and analyze their unique perspectives, which are based on information obtained in the field of business administration, a critical understanding of sought-after literature and scientific papers. This leads to well-substantiated conclusions about societal and business challenges and the formulation of recommendations.
    • Innovatively synthesize information based on findings from scientific literature, aligning with academic standards, conducting critical analyses, and providing references.
    • Critically evaluate, synthesize, and assess new, intricate, and conflicting ideas and approaches that arise during the research process.
    • Identify and explore project requirements, independently develop innovative, research-oriented, professional, and commercial projects, and employ innovative project management methods. These projects are based on the latest advancements and novel research and analytical techniques.
    • Engage in discussions within the professional and scientific community regarding their research issues as reflected in research papers, substantiating their thoughts ethically.
    • Submit their own well-substantiated opinions on topics within the field of business for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals, adhering to ethical standards and principles of academic integrity.
  • Date of approval: 11-30-2006
    Approval protocol number: 4
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 55-14
    Program details:

    A Doctor of Business Administration can find employment in a variety of settings, including educational institutions, scientific and research organizations, analytical research centers, commercial and international enterprises, as well as public and private sector analytical and research departments. They may also occupy high-level managerial positions within private companies. The field of employment for a PhD in Business Administration extends to organizational institutions, corporate structures, as well as entrepreneurial ventures and non-commercial/non-governmental organizations that require profound expertise in business management and research skills.

    The number of words of the doctoral thesis should be determined by no less than 25,000 and no more than 40,000 words.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The duration of the doctoral program is a minimum of 3 years, with a maximum program term of 10 years. The PhD program encompasses 180 ECTS credits. The academic year is organized on a semester basis, with all study components being one semester in length. The program consists of 60 ECTS for training and 120 ECTS for research components.

    Within the 60 ECTS of the study component, 45 are core credits, and 15 are elective credits chosen from a selection of 35 elective subjects. For doctoral students who do not engage in pedagogical work, there is a mandatory course, PDPR7217 - Assisting of Professors (5 credits).

    Doctoral students are responsible for publishing 2 scientific articles and participating in at least 1 conference as a speaker. For one of the articles, it must be published in a peer-reviewed international scientific journal, either in electronic or printed form, and must be recognized by relevant international classifiers or other international documents. The journal should be included in the database of scientific journals such as Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, Scopus, Ulrich’s Index, ERIH, EBSCOHost, Latindex Catalogue, etc. The second article may be published in a peer-reviewed journal with the consent of the editorial board.

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    BUSN1710Thesis0 0
    BUSN7110Preparation and management of Research project10 0
    BUSN7210Module in Business ADministration10 0
    MATH 7010Quantitative Methods of Research10 0
    METH7117modern teaching strategies in height education5 0
    QUAL 7210Qualitative Research Methods10 0

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    BUS7127Advance Business Analytics with R5
    INFO7110E-Learning Management Systems5
    LANG 7210Text Processing and Translation5
    LANG 7217academic writting for scientific publication10
    PDPR 7217education practice5
    SCNC7110philosipy of sciense10

    Credits sum:


    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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