
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Information Technology
Study Level: Graduate
Program leader: Sulkhan Sulkhanishvili
Kakhaber Tavzarashvili
Study language: English
Qualification: Master of Informatics
Program capacity: 120
Program permission: Foreign high-school graduates who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad or students who lived abroad for the last two or more years and who are currently studying abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries will be able to enter the program without passing Uniform National Entrance Examinations according to Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011).If the applicant does not have the English language certificates in FCE (First Certificate in English), he / she must pass the English language B2 level university test (60% positive assessment)
Program goals:

The program aims at providing students with extensive knowledge and experience for research and development in information technology. The courses of information technology include: Computer Systems and Networks (Cisco CCNP Certificates), Web and Network Programming, Database (Oracle Certificate), Mobile Application development, ERP Systems, and Logical and Probability Methods in Information Technologies. Various elective courses give opportunities to the students to deepen communication skills, acquire extensive knowledge and skills related to research-based conclusions in order to solve the problems in the field of modern information technologies addressing the issues that require the extensive knowledge of the principles and processes. Graduates will be able to work in research organizations, banks, insurance companies, private and state organizations as IT Managers, Web, Network or Database Administrators.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Demonstration Method;
  • Discussion;
  • Practical work;
  • Presentation;
  • Team work;
  • Literature Review;
  • The method of working on the book;
  • Problem Solving exercises
  • Find relevant material in electronic format or library
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
    • Have extensive and systemic knowledge of the professional field enabling him/her to develop new and different ideas based on gained knowledge;
    • Know infrastructure planning, security and administration methods;
    • Know the basic theorems and operations of mathematical logic and probability theory;
    • Have knowledge of development of mobile applications in program environment and functionality of relevant tools;
    • Know the methods of 3-dimensional modeling of objects through laser scanners;
    • Know information technology project management cycle;
    • Know mathematical methods of computer graphics;
    • Know ERP structure and functionality of these systems;
    • Know the development of industrial platforms on modern software market;
    • Know the Web-platform based programming, project creation and management;

  • Skills
    • Plan a large size network infrastructure independently;
    • Optimize computer systems and networks;
    • Develop products in software environment;
    • Use mathematical methods in computer graphics;
    • Use 3d modeling methods and point clouds;
    • Create and manage information technology project;
    • Create and distribute mobile applications;
    • Develop an ERP system using appropriate tools;
    • Plan and conduct research in the professional field;
    • Implement scientific, research or practical project;

  • Responsibility and autonomy
    • Make independent consistent and multilateral assessment and self-assessment of their own learning process;
    • Continue the learning process independently through the received knowledge;
    • Realize the characteristics of the learning process and plan strategically;
    • Develop technological innovations in the professional field and renew their knowledge / skills constantly;
    • Determine the need for further study (PhD) level for continuous professional development.

  • Date of approval: 07-27-2018
    Approval protocol number: 43/18
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number:
    Program details:

    The study process is at 07:00 -09:15 pm, from which the auditory loading time is 120 minutes, break time 15 minutes. Maximum number of graduate students in groups is determined by 25-30 students. Components of undergraduate and graduate programs are composed of items that are intended for 19 weeks.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The program consists of 120 credits: Program core subjects 90 ECTS, Programs elective subjects 30 ECTS; In the main part of the program the student is obliged to write a Master's thesis (30 ECTS). The total number of given elective subjects is 78 ECTS, where the student should choose 30 ECTS.

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    INFO5111EPlanning network switches6 1
    INFO5112EProgramming instrument for databases6 1
    INFO6250EIndustrial Platform-Based Development6 1
    INFO6340EStructural analysis of systems6 1
    INFO5250EMathematics for Computer Graphics6 2
    INFO6130EAndroid Development6 2
    INFO6170EModeling of buildings6 2
    INFO6135EWeb Platform-Based Development6 3
    INFO6140EERP systems structure and Functionality6 3
    INFO6260EIT Project Management6 3
    INFO6240EMA Thesis in Informatics30 4

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    INFO6262ESpring Framework6
    INFO6280EMicrosoft Asp.Net Core MVC Platform Based multi layer Web Application Tools I6
    INFO6290EMicrosoft Asp.Net Core MVC Multi-Layer Web Development Tools II6
    INFO3241EIT Service Strategy and Design6
    INFO5280EDigital Information Law6
    INFO6271EDatabase System6
    INFO1233EProgramming Essentials6
    INFO3244EIT Service Transition6
    INFO5211EProviding Routing in Networks6
    INFO6261ESystem Programming6
    INFO3242EIT Service Operation and Continual Improvement6
    INFO5252EAgile-Software Development Project Management6
    INFO6120EMachine learning models and algorithms6
    INFO6220EProviding and supporting the network work6
    INFO6281EDatabase Warehouse Systems6
    INFO5231ECyber Threat Intelligence as a Force Multiplier6

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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