
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Applied psychology
Study Level: Graduate
Program leader: Nana Burduli
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Master of Child and Adolescent Psychology. Master of Clinical Psychology. Master of Labor and Organizational Psychology.
Program capacity: 120
Program permission: Enrollment of students at the second level of academic higher education (graduate programs) is conducted based on the results of unified national exams or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia №224/N (December 29, 2011), bachelor's degree in psychology (note: this prerequisite applies only to those who wish to study at the concentration of child and adolescent psychology and clinical psychology), successfully passing the English language (written, B2 level) and specialty (oral) exam, administrative registration and director's order.
Program goals:

The goal of the program is to contribute to the development of the country by training qualified, highly competent applied psychologists who will be multi-educated, socially minded, active citizens with democratic values. The goal of the master's program in applied psychology is to provide graduates with the knowledge necessary for conducting independent research and engaging in professional practical work across various areas of psychology. This includes taking into account the regularities of current events in society and adhering to professional ethical norms: Child and adolescent psychology, clinical psychology and labour and organizational psychology. In the case of child and adolescent psychology concentration, to develop the skills of assessment and diagnosis, analysis and intervention of behavior disorders, inclusive teaching based on the psychological features of early, middle childhood and adolescence; Within the framework of clinical psychology concentration - clinical-psychological assessment, psychodiagnosis, psychosocial rehabilitation and psychological counseling practice skills;  Within the concentration of labour and organizational psychology - organizational behavior and organizational development assessment, personnel evaluation and career development, personnel selection, training and development, consumer purchasing decision and personnel management, sales production and planning skills; Graduates of the master's program in applied psychology will be able to conduct their professional activities within the framework of professional ethics in the areas such as any state and private organization (banks, corporations, ministries, store chains) and human resources management services, kindergartens and schools, training centers, research organizations, psychologist-consultant services of educational institutions, counseling and rehabilitation centers and clinics for children and adults.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Method of working on the book
  • Explanatory method
  • Demonstration method
  • Interactive lessons
  • Situational tasks
  • Role-playing
  • Analysis of news
  • Conducting small studies
  • Practical tasks
  • Team work
  • Simulated performance
  • Posing problems and solving them
  • Tasks focused on solving problems
  •  Critical analysis
  •  Group assignments
  •  Projects
  •  Case study and analysis
  •  Literature review
  •  Critical assessment of own work
  •  Constructive criticism of the work of others
  •   Searching for relevant material in electronic format or in the library
  •  Method of written work
  •  Writing essays
  •  Presenting presentations
  •  Presenting and defending the discussion-debating topics
  •  Lecture-seminars
  •  Visual lectures
  •  Verbal, i.e. oral method
Learning outcomes:
  • Child and Adolescent Psychology Concentration

    Knowledge and understanding

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Discusses ethical issues in various fields, including educational (preschool, school), clinical institutions for children and adolescents (psychological counseling, psychotherapy), governmental and non-governmental organizations and research centers; also, - the importance of psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment), the features of determining the sample, the issues of planning, conducting and analyzing data in the field of child and adolescent psychology, taking into account ethical issues; Describes sociology, the regularities of processes occurring in society and the factors influencing these processes;
    • Describes the physical, cognitive, and emotional development characteristic of early and middle childhood and its features, crises characteristic of each age (according to Erikson), different aspects of the self-concept, the formation of gender roles; moral development and gender stereotyping, factors influencing the formation of a child's personality (family, school), parenting style and the influence of social systems (peer circle);
    • Discusses gender education, stages of gender identity formation, gender aspects of age-related development, the process of gender typification in the socialization process, characteristics of gender stereotyping, gender stereotypes, gender polarization, and biological essentialism, the influence of socialization agents and institutions on gender socialization;
    • Describes the methodology and basic principles of psychological assessment and diagnosis of children and adolescents, basic assessment methods (including interview, behavioral observation method, measurement scales), specific techniques (including active listening, narrative recording), and tools for assessing child development (including projective tests; scales for assessing psychopathology and mental disorders; questionnaires for assessing behavior and social skills; tools for assessing the relationship between child and parent);
    • Names and discusses the symptoms of trauma, the neurobiological basis of trauma, social and cultural aspects, protective and risk factors associated with traumatic experiences, the process of post-traumatic assessment and intervention in children and adolescents; Also, - intelligence and cognitive functions (mnestic, attention), assessment of visual-spatial and motor functions, assessment of atypical development (mental disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy), and also discusses the characteristics of the child's behavior, behavior regulation problems and behavioral disorders, behavioral disorders, the main theoretical constructs of disorders, the use of modern approaches in diagnosing disorders, correct assessment of undesirable behavior and planning adequate intervention.


    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Adhere to and integrate ethical principles in the practical work of a psychologist (including child psychology, child and adolescent psychotherapy, research); Also, - Use psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment); Independently plan and conduct research in the field of child and adolescent psychology (including taking into account the cause-and-effect relationships of processes in society and factors influencing them);
    • In early and middle childhood, as a result of observing thought forms, identify problems characteristic of the preoperational, concrete and formal operational stages and independently plan preventive/interventional measures; Also, - Using the observation method, determine the type of attachment and identity status in natural conditions; Assesses the emotional state of preschool and younger school-age children based on the analysis of various projective tests;
    • Independently conducts an initial interview with a child, adolescent, or adults related to them; Independently administers specific instruments to assess trauma; Also plans and analyzes the history of the disease/disorder, records problematic behavior, and interventions using the parenting style definition, family problems questionnaire, oppositional behavior diagram;
    • Analyzes complex and incomplete materials of scientific and practical research in the field of child and adolescent psychology; Analyzes various aspects of physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial development in early, middle childhood, and adolescence and interprets them based on basic theories of development; Also analyzes gender issues (sexism, gender segregation, gender attitudes of teachers, etc.); Factors affecting a child's behavior in the process of development and learning, behavioral disorders and disorders, theories and models explaining these disorders;
    • Analyzes and evaluates children's mental functions (memory, thinking, attention, etc.) and developmental disorders in clinical diagnostics; Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents, protective and risk factors for individual cases, trauma assessment and intervention plan, as well as analyzes the history of the disease/disorder, records problematic behavior and plans intervention by determining the parenting style, using the Family Problems Questionnaire and the Oppositional Behavior Diagram.
    • Analyzes and presents the importance of ethical issues in psychology, components of children's and adolescents' speech, the importance of creative thinking, identity statuses in adolescents, violence, gender stereotypes and gender roles, issues of gender socialization, the specifics of psychological trauma, basic principles and strategies of assessment and intervention, behavioral disorders, developmental mental disorders, basic principles of psychological assessment and diagnosis, behavioral disorders and regulation problems in the form of presentations and discussions with the academic and professional community, including psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and parents;


    Responsibility and Autonomy

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Search for information from academic and scientific literature, taking into account the ethical principles of psychology, to conduct scientific and practical (social, political, and public) research in the field of child and adolescent psychology, as well as - to deepen knowledge on the issues of developmental characteristics, gender socialization, trauma assessment and diagnosis of developmental disorders in children and adolescents; independently present and plan successive stages of the further learning process following the strategically high level of learning needs;
    • Adhere to professional ethics, professional integrity, and responsibility, express and accept criticism correctly, tolerance, confidentiality, and recognition of the boundaries of one's competence and the importance of working within these boundaries; Support the process of working with children and adolescents (with mental developmental disorders, behavioral regulation problems, and behavioral disorders) (including during assessment and diagnosis); as well as - participation in the development of children and the establishment of new values ​​in the process of gender socialization.



    Clinical Psychology Concentration

    Knowledge and understanding

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Discusses ethical issues in various fields, including the clinical field (psychological counseling, psychotherapy), while working in governmental or non-governmental organizations and research centers; Also, - the importance of psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment), the features of determining the sample; Issues of planning, conducting and analyzing research in clinical psychology, taking into account ethical issues; Describes sociology, the regularities of processes occurring in society and the factors influencing these processes;
    • Describes modern clinical psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms and signs, modern clinical (nosological) diagnostics, psychopathology, major diseases, mental and behavioral disorders (including schizophrenia, psychotic, mood, anxiety, somatoform personality disorders); etiology and clinical features of diseases, including the causes and clinical course of various clinical forms of epilepsy, the causes and clinical course of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the causes and clinical course of autism; Also, describes the main disorders and dysfunctions of the mental sphere (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, phobias, schizophrenia) according to modern approaches and tools for assessing mental disorders and disorders, according to the diagnostic criteria of the international classification systems for assessing mental disorders and disorders (DSM and ICD);
    • Discusses the principles, mechanisms, models, and study strategies of neuropsychology, higher cortical functions, and behavioral disorders caused by their pathology, neuropsychological assessment of epilepsy and dementia, features of the human psyche in conditions of organic brain damage; also, functional and anatomical specificity of the nervous system, topical foundations, voluntary movement analyzer and behavioral control of movement;
    • Characterizes the relationship between mental and physiological processes in diseases of internal organs (skin, metabolic and joint, gastrointestinal); various psychosomatic theories (Sely's stress theory, two-phase elimination theory, Alexander's psychosomatic approach) and etiological models of diseases (gastrointestinal, skin diseases, colds, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular, endocrine) (from the point of view of psychosomatics);
    • Discusses the modern mental health system, psychosocial interventions (definition, purpose, development history), rehabilitation models (Lieberman, Anthony, Bennett-Shepard, mixed), components of the rehabilitation process (motivation, skills, material provision, support), recovery dynamics (stabilization, reorientation, reintegration), planning and implementation of stigma and anti-stigma campaigns, and integrated therapeutic programs (IPT) (cognitive differentiation, social perception); as well as - the main theories of psycho counseling and their practical approaches (person-centered psycho counseling, Gestalt psycho counseling, existential psycho counseling, psychoanalytic psycho counseling);



    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Adhere to and integrate ethical principles in the practical work of a psychologist (including clinical assessment, psychotherapy, research); Also, - Use psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment); Independently plan and conduct research in the field of clinical psychology (including taking into account the cause-and-effect relationships of current processes in society and the factors influencing them);
    • Identify, reveal, and assess mental disorders and other concomitant health conditions (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, phobias, schizophrenia), psychiatric symptoms and clinical signs, as well as symptoms of disease (cardiovascular, skin, metabolic and endocrine, joint, gastrointestinal); Based on the diagnosis, plan an intervention (including consultation); also identifies neurological syndromes occurring in clinical practice and successfully independently manages the main diseases occurring with damage to the nervous system; observes behavior, learning, personality and emotional problems caused by various degrees of central nervous system disorders and plans neuropsychological assessment-diagnosis and rehabilitation-habilitation; plans case management in the mental health system (assessment, diagnosis, intervention, evaluation), independently conducts cognitive deficit research and psychosocial intervention based on the results;
    • Analyzes, applies, and selects psycho-consulting approaches (Gestalt psycho-consultation, Existential psycho-consultation) to individuals with different characteristics, signs, and problems, independently conducts correctional and psycho-consulting work; compiles a patient's psychosocial profile based on a needs assessment, uses clinical interviewing techniques and social competence training techniques (listening attentively to loved ones; overcoming conflict with loved ones; gaining goodwill from strangers; protecting one's rights;);
    • Analyzes complex and incomplete materials of scientific and practical research in the field of clinical psychology; Analyzes the importance of modern clinical psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms and signs, epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, clinical signs and treatment of mental disorders (schizophrenia, psychotic, mood, anxiety, somatoform, personality and eating disorders); evaluates neuropsychological mechanisms of diseases (epilepsy, dementia, diabetes), neuropsychological models and study strategies; Discusses functional and somatic disorders, diabetes mellitus and non-diabetes mellitus, colds, bronchial asthma, psychological factors causing cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, neurological syndromes with behavioral disorders, disruption of higher cortical functions, classification using the information obtained using psychological diagnostic tools using modern categorical systems DSM and ICD;
    • Analyzes and evaluates psychosocial interventions (definition, purpose, development history), rehabilitation models (Lieberman, Anthony, Bennett-Shepard, mixed), and recovery dynamics (stabilization, reorientation, reintegration); selects the appropriate approach from various psycho consulting approaches (person-centered psycho-consultation, psychoanalytic counseling, cognitive-behavioral).
    • In the field of clinical psychology, analyzes and presents the importance of ethical issues in psychology, the importance of psychiatry in the mental health system, major diseases, mental and behavioral disorders (schizophrenia, psychotic, mood, anxiety, somatoform, personality and eating disorders), the role of the anatomy and function of the nervous system in the formation of behavioral processes, the etiology and clinical features of degenerative diseases, the main disorders of higher cortical functions, the development of neuropsychology, higher cortical functions, and behavioral disorders, neuropsychological models and study strategies, the principles of psychosomatic medicine, the etiological model of diseases from the point of view of classical medicine and psychosomatics, emotions causing skin, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, models of psychosocial rehabilitation. (Lieberman, Anthony, Bennett-Sheppard, mixed), the effectiveness of an integrated therapeutic program, mental disorders and disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, phobias, schizophrenia, etc.) issues of assessment using diagnostic criteria of international systems (DSM, ICD) through discussion and argumentation in the form of presentation and communication with the academic and professional community.


    Responsibility and Autonomy

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Search for information from academic and scientific literature, taking into account the ethical principles of psychology, in order to conduct scientific and practical (social, political and public) research in the field of clinical psychology; Also, study existing works on theoretical and practical issues of clinical neuropsychology, psychosomatic medicine, psychosocial rehabilitation, and psycho counseling and independently plan the successive stages of the further learning process following the strategically high level of learning needs;
    • Supports high responsibility for professional activities in the field of clinical psychology, integrity, impartiality, and respect for a person with any disease; Also, during psychological assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and rehabilitation, upholds the ethical principles of a psychologist and contributes to the establishment of innovative values.


    Concentration in Labor and Organizational Psychology

    Knowledge and understanding

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Discusses ethical issues in various fields, including human resource management, while working in governmental or non-governmental organizations and research centers; Also, - the importance of psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment), the features of determining the sample; Considering ethical issues, the issues of planning, conducting and analyzing data in the direction of labor and organizational psychology; Describes sociology, the regularities of processes occurring in society and the factors influencing these processes;
    • Discusses business psychology, including aspects of consumer and employee psychology, strategies and methods for managing consumer purchasing decisions (including NLP mechanisms and techniques in customer interactions), employee motivation techniques and methods (Vrumus theory, Adams theory, cognitive appraisal, and Korman's self-congruence theory);
    • Describes the main aspects of organizational development, organizational structures and their characteristics, organizational changes, parameters for implementing and evaluating effective restructuring, diagnostic methods (data collection, organizational analysis), and issues of organizational diagnostics; The main issues of organizational behavior, team composition according to personal characteristics, correct distribution of tasks according to job functions and responsibilities, basic work organization methodology (development of an individual work development plan, evaluation of work performed), constituent aspects of organizational culture and climate (personal attitudes, documentation regulating behavioral norms);
    • Discusses modern methods of personnel selection, main trends in personnel training and education, personnel training and development strategies (corporate learning strategy, talent management); Describes the individual characteristics of workers, their motivation, values, attitudes, behavioral and interpersonal relationships, the impact of satisfied and dissatisfied workers on the work environment, the impact of individual characteristics and organizational constraints on decision-making; describes the personal qualities necessary for sales, the psychological characteristics of decision-making, the neuro-mechanisms of decision-making, successful sales strategies and profitable techniques;
    • It reviews the concept of career management, the competencies required for a successful career, the factors affecting labor market changes, the main concepts of labor motivation (such as content and process approaches to motivation) and motivational models (Flow effect, goal-directed motivation, the relationship between productivity and results, desirable work), the structure of career planning, effective ways of job search and methods of assessing personnel performance (ranking method, 360-degree method, goal-based management assessment method, and attestation).



    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Adhere to and integrate ethical principles in the practical work of a psychologist (including human resource management, personnel selection, research); Also, - psychological research methods (observation, case study, survey, interview, experiment); Independently plans and conducts research in the field of labor and organizational psychology (including taking into account the cause-and-effect relationships of current processes in society and the factors influencing them);
    • In the organization, in line with the established goals and objectives, develops a plan for implementing personnel policies and employee motivation programs (such as rewards and recognition). Determines the necessary competencies for selecting personnel for specific positions and prepares training programs for staff involved in sales and service. Identifies the need for organizational changes. To address complex issues, gathers data, independently diagnoses groups and tasks, and consults with involved employees. Manages the sales team and plans and oversees the sales process.
    • In accordance with the organization's goals and strategy, analyzes the work situation in a new, unforeseen environment and independently organizes work, plans an effective employee integration program, develops and implements an individual development plan, and independently implements motivation systems in a multidisciplinary environment; manages stress and goal-oriented business relationships in a changing, unforeseen, and multidisciplinary environment; presents a career vision and, following specific career goals, the necessary competencies for a specific profession for practical use; copes with career changes, orients himself in the labor market, and establishes himself;
    • Analyzes complex and incomplete materials of scientific and practical research in the field of labor and organizational psychology; Analyzes the importance of competencies required for the appropriate position in the field of business psychology when selecting personnel, based on proper assessment, service strategies (including the TQM system), including personnel training program issues (corporate training, talent management);
    • Analyzes and evaluates the working and professional environment, organizational culture, climate and innovative changes, the effectiveness of the individual development process; sales planning and management system, successful sales strategies, personal qualities necessary for sales; problems arising in the labor market, cause-and-effect relationships between the needs of the organization and personnel in the organization's activities;
    • Analyzes and presents the importance of ethical issues in psychology, issues of business psychology (psychological aspects of the consumer and staff), techniques and methods of personnel motivation (Vroom’s theory, Adams theory, cognitive assessment and Korman's self-congruence theory), organizational changes, effective restructuring implementation plan, assessment parameters and diagnostic methods (data collection, organizational analysis), personnel selection, development and training issues; also, - regarding the specifics of teaching and education planning in the organization, motivational schemes using academic honesty standards and information and communication technologies, specific career, motivational and performance assessment issues; Sales problems and ways to solve them (sales growth opportunities) through preparation of a detailed written report, discussion and effective communication with employees and management (taking into account communication barriers with managers at various levels in the organization), in the process of business relations with the academic or professional community.


    Responsibility and Autonomy:

    After completing the program, the graduate:

    • Search for information from academic and scientific literature, taking into account the ethical principles of psychology, in order to conduct scientific and practical (social, political and public) research in the field of labor and organizational psychology; also, - study existing works on business psychology (consumer and personnel psychology), organizational development and change, work and professional environment, personnel development and sales in the field of labor and organization and independently plan the successive stages of the further learning process following the strategically high level of learning needs;
    • Supports the recognition, appreciation, and respect of the principles of business ethics in organizing organizational changes, work and professional environment, organizational activity, personnel selection, and sales; Promotes organizational culture, respect for individual characteristics, and the need for tolerance towards cultural diversity in the organization, as well as participation in the establishment of new values.
  • Date of approval: 02-26-2016
    Approval protocol number: 07-16
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 30-16
    Program details:

    The combination of core, concentration, and elective courses of the master's program in applied psychology provides an opportunity to delve into a specific direction, which will provide the graduate with relevant qualifications and competencies focused on the employment market. The program is designed to accommodate students' interests in various applied psychology areas. In particular, the student, in addition to the major subjects of the program, can delve into the concentrations of the applied psychology master's program in the areas of child and psychology, clinical psychology, and work and organizational psychology.

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The Master's program in Applied Psychology consists of 120 (ECTS) credits.

    A student chooses one concentration upon enrollment.

    Clinical psychology - in the case of choosing a concentration, the student must take the general subjects of the applied psychology program (18 ECTS); Major subjects of concentration (42 ECTS); Master's research paper (30 ECTS); A total of (30 ECTS) from the block of concentration electives, including (6 ECTS) from other concentration subjects.

    The graduate of the mentioned concentration is awarded the master's degree in clinical psychology.

    Individual components in the program are conducted in English.

    Child and Adolescent Psychology - if choosing a concentration, the student must take the general subjects of the applied psychology program (18 ECTS); Major subjects of concentration (42 ECTS); Master's research paper (30 ECTS); From the block of electives for the concentration (30 ECTS).

    The graduate of the aforementioned concentration is awarded the Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology. Individual components in the program are conducted in English.

    Labor and organizational psychology - in case of choosing a concentration, the student must take the general subjects of the applied psychology program (18 ECTS); Major subjects of concentration (42 ECTS); Master's research paper (30 ECTS); From the block of electives for the concentration (30 ECTS).

    The graduate of the said concentration is awarded the master's degree in labor and organizational psychology.

    Individual components in the program are conducted in English.

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    PSYM5111Ethical and legal principles of psychologist6 1
    PSYM5115Sociology6 1
    PSYM7571Research methods in psychology6 1

    Credits sum:


    Child and Adolescent Psychology - Concentration Core

    PSYM5125Child assessment and diagnostics61
    PSYM5120Psychological characteristics of early and middle childhood61
    PSYM5140Applied behavioral analysis: Assessment and Intervention62
    PSYM5136Inclusive Education62
    PSYM5130Psychological characteristics of adolesence62
    PSYM5145Gender socialization63
    PSYM 5150Psychological trauma in children and adolescents – assessment and intervention63
    PSYM5510Master’s thesis in psychology of child and adolescents304

    Credits sum:


    Child and Adolescent Psychology - Concentration Elective

    PSYM5168Child Neurology62
    PSYM5155Child psychotherapy methods 162
    PSYM5165Health Psychology62
    PSYM5161Speech Disorders and Therapy62
    PSYM5167Child psychiatry63
    PSYM5175Child psychotherapy methods 263
    PSYM5252Data analysis63
    PSYM5185Forensic Psychology for children and adolescents63
    PSYM5172Modern Teaching Methods63
    PSYM5181Volition and motivation in children and adolescents63

    Credits sum:


    Clinical Psychology - Concentration Core

    PSYM 5216Neurology and Behavioral Psychophysiology61
    PSYM5225Clinical neuropsychology62
    PSYM5230Psychosomatic disorders62
    PSYM5220Theories and practice of psychological counseling62
    PSYM5240Clinical-psychological assessment and diagnostic criteria63
    PSYM5515Master’s thesis in clinical psychology304

    Credits sum:


    Clinical Psychology - Concentration Elective

    PSYM5165Health Psychology62
    PSYM5250Methods of psychotherapy62
    PSYM5163Psychological Counseling and Therapy: Practice and Supervision - I62
    PSYM5161Speech Disorders and Therapy62
    PSYM5166Couples and Family Therapy63
    PSYM5252Data analysis63
    PSYM5265Group counseling63
    PSYM5360Methods of assessment and diagnosis of adults63
    PSYM5270Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)63
    PSYM5275Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)63
    PSYM5164Psychological Counseling and Therapy: Practice and Supervision - II63

    Credits sum:


    Labor and Organization Psychology - Concentration Core

    PSYM5315Organizational development and changes61
    PSYM5310Psychology of business61
    PSYM5171Managing organizational behavior62
    PSYM5320Recruitment, development and training of staff62
    PSYM5325Staff motivation, assessment and career management62
    PSYM5335Psychology of sales63
    PSYM 5330Work and professional environment63
    PYSM5520Master’s thesis in labor and organization psychology304

    Credits sum:


    Labor and Organization Psychology - Concentration Elective

    PSYM5345Achievement psychology62
    PSYM5173Business Relations in Organization62
    PSYM5340Leadership and management psychology62
    PSYM5252Data analysis63
    PSYM5275Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)63
    PSYM5350Positive business-psychology63
    MGMT6130Project Management63
    PSYM5231Psychology of Strategic Management63

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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