
The University Of Georgia
Program name: Pharmacy Program
Study Level: Graduate
Program leader: Elza Nikoleishvili
Study language: Georgian
Qualification: Master of Pharmacy
Program capacity: 120
Program permission: Enrollment of students in the second level of higher education (master's program) is carried out in accordance with the results of the Unified Master's exams or the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia №224 / N (December 29, 2011), as a result of passing the internal university exam (English language level B2) and passing the oral interview in the specialty, on the basis of passing the administrative registration and the order of the President. Confirmation of English language proficiency is possible by presenting an international language certificate (TOEFL (87), IELTS (6.5) or other relevant B2 level score) or by exceeding the 70% threshold of the university's institutional test. Bachelors in Pharmacy, Nursing, Occupational Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, applicants with a single-cycle education in Medicine and Dentistry can be admitted to the specialization of Pharmacy, after passing national exams in accordance with the legislation established in the country.
Program goals:

Training of a modern specialist responsible for global and global challenges in the field of practical and clinical pharmacy, who will have in-depth and systematic knowledge of medical pharmacology, clinical pharmacy and rational pharmacotherapy, clinical toxicology, patient-centered pharmaceutical research methods, as well as appropriate pharmaceutical practice; Also, give the student systematic knowledge about the main chemical and pharmacological groups of medicines, ways of their introduction into the body, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, side effects and therapeutic significance of medicines.

The Master's student will be able to independently conduct subject scientific research, conduct activities in accordance with international standards of pharmaceutical practice and carry out rational pharmacotherapy in both outpatient and inpatient services, in accordance with internationally recognized principles.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
  • Lecture-seminar;
  • Demonstration method;
  • Using of audio-video learning material;
  • Interactive classes;
  • Situational exercises;
  • Research production;
  • Exercises oriented on solving of the problems;
  • Critical analysis;
  • Group exercises;
  • Case study;
  • Literature review;
  • Searching the files in electronic format or library;
  • Presentation;
  • Project;
  • Verbal method;
  • Writing topics;
  • Simulation;
  • Production of electronic and non-electronic medical records;
  • Teaching in a clinical setting;
  • Practical work;
Learning outcomes:
Date of approval: 02-26-2016
Approval protocol number: 07-16
Date of program update:
Update protocol number: 19/16
Program details:

Training cases (clinical, laboratory, pharmaceutical) will be studied/differentiated at the Simulation Pharmacy of the University of Georgia.

Training practice will be provided in that direction, which was chosen by the Master's student (based on subject matter interest), such as PHC, hospital, outpatient clinic, mental health institution, clinical lab.

Training practice will be provided in the medical establishments with the appropriate infrastructure and management,  which are providers of the state health programs, and/or have agreements with the insurance companies.

At the end of the practical course, the graduate completes a self-assessment and development project.

The Master selects 18 ECTS credits from the offered 60 ECTS elective credits, including 6 ECTS credits in the second semester. The elective block of this semester provides 24 ECTS credits in the fields of epidemiology, lifestyle and behavior, ethics and information medical- social systems. In the third semester, out of 36 credits in the elective block, a student chooses 12 ECTS credits. This block mainly presents clinical directions.
The master's thesis should be done in direction of pharmacy, based on pharmacoepidemiological and other subject research methods.

Teaching Process Characteristics:

To obtain the academic degree of Pharmacy Master, a student needs to accumulate 120 ECTS, which includes the main subjects of the program - 102 ECTS including - master's thesis - 30 ECTS and elective subjects - 18 ECTS, which the student chooses from 60 ECTS of the electives.
In the field of pharmacy, the student will perform research work, write abstracts and projects, undergo internships, present the results obtained, and perform a master's thesis.


Program Core

Code Subject ECTS Semester
CLPH5110Pharmaco epidemiology and Pharmacovigilance6 1
CLPH5120Medical Pharmacology I6 1
PHAR5110Pharmacoeconomics and Policy (PEP)6 1
PHMA5110Public Health and Health care Policy6 1
PHMA5210Health Management6 1
CLPH5210Clinical Pharmacy &Pharmacotherapy I6 2
CLPH5220Medical Pharmacology II6 2
CLPH5230Features of pharmacotherapy in age groups (pediatric and geriatric pharmacotherapy)6 2
CLPH5240Clinical Trials: Design, Results, biomarkers, drug safety6 2
CLPH 6110clinical Pharmacy &pharmacotherapy II6 3
CLPH6120Clinical Toxicology6 3
CLPH6130Pharmaceutical Care & good pharmacy practice6 3
CLPH6210Master’s Thesis in Pharmacy30 4

Credits sum:


Program Elective

Code Subject ECTS
PHAR6110Drugs-ethics and practice6
PHMA5240Epidemiological and Socio-statistical Research Methods6
PHMA6120Healthy Lifestyle and Behavior Changes6
PHMA6140Health and Social Information Systems and Management6
CLPH6140Pharmaceutical practice of hospital services6
CLPH6150Pharmaceutical practice in primary health care services and in pharmacies6
CLPH6160Pharmaceutical practice in mental health services6
CLPH6170Laboratory data interpretation for pharmacists6
CLPH6180Pharmaceutical Care -practical course6
CLPH6190Alternative and complementary medicine6

Credits sum:


Matrix Of Privequisites

Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
94-96 3,75 A
91-93 3,50 A-
87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
84-86 3,00 B B
81-83 2,75 B-  
77-80 2,50 C+   C good
74-76 2,25 C
71-73 2,00 C-
67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
64-66 1,50 D
61-63 1,25 D-
51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
Not passed
41-50   FX FX Insufficient
<40   F F Failed

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