For Modified Medicine Programme Click Here

The University Of Georgia
Program name: Medicine
Study Level: Single-Cycle Degree Program
Program leader: Otar Toidze
Study language: English
Qualification: Medical Doctor
Program capacity: 360
Program permission: English language B2 and other legislative requirements, namely citizens of Georgia should successfully pass Unified National Entrance Examinations. Foreign high-school graduates who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad or students who lived abroad for the last two or more years and who are currently studying abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries will be able to enter the program without passing Uniform Unified National Entrance Examinations according to Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011). If applicant does not hold a certificate his/her level of English language knowledge is established by the university exam. Minimum threshold of 60%. Admission exam/interview in Biology-Chemistry-Physics (Basic Issues);
Program goals:

The aim of the program is to prepare competent, compassionate, just, experienced medical doctors, who will possess necessary theoretical knowledge, practical skills and values, defined by descriptor of competences of medical education in Georgia and by learning objectives of basic medical education by TUNING/MEDINE project, which will enable them to successfully continue medical education, enroll in Masters and Doctoral programs, apply for clinical positions of junior doctor, participate in scientific and academic activities in Georgia, as well as in other countries; graduates of the course will be ready to continuously improve their knowledge and skills, and with their professional work facilitate improvement of health and wellbeing of local communities as well as global society

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:

• Lecture
• Theoretical Teaching (Interactive Seminars and Lectures)
• Theoretical and practical learning – Seminars
• Studying video movies
• Videos for teaching
• Videos for learning
• Problem based learning (PBL)
• Case-based learning (CBL)
• Role playing
• Playing patient/doctor roles
• Communication with patients
• Teaching through standardized patients
• Team Work
• Team working with resuscitative patient
• Practical studies
• Learning with help of simulators
• Learning with usage of simulator
• Scenarios based simulation training
• Teaching through standardized patients
• Clinical rotation in Clinical skills training and simulation center
• Teaching in clinical and simulation environment
• Practical task under the supervision
• Practice under indirect supervision
• Bedside Teaching

Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
  • ·Deep and systematic knowledge of biomedical sciences

    ·Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles, processes, methods and general concepts of behavioral and social sciences.

    ·Broad knowledge of clinical sciences in various medical specialties and subspecialties, including critical understanding of theories and principles and some of the latest aspects of knowledge.

    ·Broad knowledge of medicines and their appointment, which includes a critical understanding of theories and principles, and some of the latest aspects of knowledge.

    ·Broad knowledge of public health: disease prevention and health promotion, disease screening and supervision, epidemiology, resource allocation and health economics, global health and inequality.

    ·Broad knowledge of ethical and legal principles related to medical practice and research, including critical understanding of theories and principles, and some of the latest aspects of knowledge.

    · Knowledge of organizing healthcare organizations and systems and understanding the role of the physician in this system

  • Skills
  • Carry out a consultation with a patient

    Assess clinical presentations, order investigations, make differential diagnoses, and negotiate a management plan

    Providing first aid in emergency medical situations (First aid and resuscitation measures)

    Drug prescription

    Conducting Practical Procedures

    Communicate effectively in a medical context

    The use of Ethic and Legal Principles in Medical Practice

    Evaluation of psychological and social aspects regarding patients’ disease.

    The use of knowledge, skills and principles based on evidence

    Use information and information technology effectively in a medical context

    Ability to apply scientific principles, method and knowledge to medical practice and research

    Implementation of health promoting events, engage with public healthcare issues, efficient performance within the healthcare system


  • Responsibility and autonomy
  • Appreciate the necessity of lifelong learning and continuous professional development in medical profession

    Use ethical, legal principals and protect patients’ rights

    Communicate, Negotiate and resolve conflicts in professional context with anyone, despite their social, cultural, religious or ethnic affiliation

    Establish relationships with patients and colleagues based on equality, social and liberal values

  • Date of approval: 02-26-2016
    Approval protocol number: 07-16
    Date of program update:
    Update protocol number: 19/16
    Program details:

    The program has 360 ECTS and includes 6 years of teaching. It consists of compulsory (326 ECTS) and optional (34 ECTS) components, 12 –of which are for language components.
    The duration of the academic year is 38 weeks
    Number of semesters - 2 (each semester 19 weeks)
    Duration of the study period - 15 weeks
    Duration of session periods - 2 weeks
    Make up / Retake - 2 weeks

    Teaching Process Characteristics:

    The program consists of theoretical and laboratory teaching, as well as practice, which is implemented within the courses based on the thematic direction. Theoretical lectures can be concurrently conducted in two and more groups. A semester offers clinical rotations of medical profiles that consider daily and intensive teaching and is organized as in the university campus as well as in the affiliated medical institutions. The students’ number in laboratory and practical groups is not more than 15. The practical training is conducted using mentor system, as for the evaluation of clinical and professional skills the structured (integrated) evaluation system in simulation and clinical setting is used.

    International students must choose the Georgian language with total of 12 credits, from the block of mandatory elective subjects. If they choose a 6-credit Georgian language subject, it is taken once a year, during the fall or spring semester, which must be completed before the start of clinical studies.

    Georgian-speaking students, from the block of mandatory elective subjects, mandatorily choose the English language a total of 12 credits, once a year, in the fall or spring semester.

    Program Core

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    MD1110EHuman Body - Structure and Function I12 1
    MD231120EBiochemistry I4 1
    MD231130EGenetics and molecular biology I3 1
    MEDE1125EEnglish for Medics5 1
    MD1210EHuman Body - Structure and Function II12 2
    MD1220EBiochemistry II4 2
    MD1230EGenetics and molecular biology II3 2
    MD1290EResearch and Clinical Skills I4 2
    MD231240EBasic Microbiology and Bacteriology4 2
    MD2110EHuman Body - Structure and Function III10 3
    MD2120EBiochemistry III4 3
    MD2130EEcology and general hygiene3 3
    MD2140EVirology, Mycology and Parasitology3 3
    MD2150EFundamentals of Bioethics and Medical law3 3
    MD2190EResearch and Clinical Skills II4 3
    MD2210EHuman Body - Structure and Function IV10 4
    MD2220EBiochemistry IV4 4
    MD2230EFundamentals of Pathology5 4
    MD2240EImmunology and Medical Microbiology4 4
    MD2290EResearch and Clinical Skills III4 4
    MD3110EClinical Pathology I6 5
    MD3120EBasics of Disease and Diagnosis I7 5
    MD3130ESociology of health and disease3 5
    MD3140EBasic pharmacology I5 5
    MD3150EEpidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health6 5
    MD233230EIntroduction to psychology for medical professions 3 6
    MD3210EClinical Pathology II6 6
    MD3220EBasics of Disease and Diagnosis II7 6
    MD3240EBasic pharmacology II5 6
    MD3250EFundamentals of Radiology4 6
    MD3290EPortfolio I2 6

    Credits sum:


    Program Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    HELM4150ESPSS: Data Analysis and Formation in healthcare3
    MD231320EHealth Promotion3
    MD233341EMedical Tourism and Telemedicine6
    MD3321EIntroduction to Healthcare Database Planing and Manegement6
    MD3330EHealthcare informatics3
    MD6320EPractice in Laboratory Medicine3
    MD6331EModern Ophthalmology4
    MD6340EReproductive Medicine5
    MD6350EFamily medicine, advanced course5
    MD6360ETrauma in Emergency Medicine5
    MD6370ECardio-vascular Surgery5

    Credits sum:


    Mandatory Elective

    Code Subject ECTS
    ENGL1110EGeneral English I6
    ENGL1120EGeneral English II6
    ENGL1330English for Medics (communication with Patient)6
    ENGL1340English for Medics( Hospital&Clinic)6
    KART1119Georgian I3
    KART1141Georgian, as a second language I6
    KART1219Georgian II3
    KART1241Georgian, as a second language II6
    KART2119Georgian III3
    KART2219Georgian IV3

    Credits sum:


    Clinical studies

    Code Subject ECTS Semester
    MD4110EInternal Medicine I14 7
    MD4120ESurgery I14 7
    MD4130EIntroduction to family medicine2 7
    MD4210EObstetrics6 8
    MD4220ENeurology (Rotation)8 8
    MD4230EHematology, transfusiology4 8
    MD4240ETraumatology and Orthopedy4 8
    MD4250EDermatology2 8
    MD4260EInfectious diseases6 8
    MD5110EInternal Medicine II (Rotation)14 9
    MD5120EPediatrics8 9
    MD5130EGynecology8 9
    MD5210ESurgery II10 10
    MD5220EAnesthesiology and reanimatology6 10
    MD5230EPsychiatry and clinical psychology8 10
    MD5240EEmergency medicine6 10
    HELM2210EHealth Care Management6 11
    MD6120EClinical thinking, Differential diagnosis5 11
    MD6130EBasics of alternative medicine3 11
    MD6140EFamily Medicine6 11
    MD6150EClinical Pharmacology4 11
    MD6160EOncology4 11
    MD6170EPalliative care2 11
    MD6210EFundamentals of health care quality and patients safety6 12
    MD6220ESmall clinical research5 12
    MD6230EForensic medicine4 12
    MD6290EPortfolio II2 12

    Credits sum:


    Matrix Of Privequisites

    Evaluation system

    Weekly review

    36 point / 36%;

    Research Paper

    10 point/ 10%;

    Midterm exams

    24 point / 24%;

    Final exam

    30 point / 30%

    Point GPA The university assessment   The general assessment in Georgia
    97-100 4,00 A+ A Excellent
    94-96 3,75 A
    91-93 3,50 A-
    87-90 3,25 B+   Very good
    84-86 3,00 B B
    81-83 2,75 B-  
    77-80 2,50 C+   C good
    74-76 2,25 C
    71-73 2,00 C-
    67-70 1,75 D+   D Satisfactory
    64-66 1,50 D
    61-63 1,25 D-
    51-60 1,00 E E Sufficient
    Not passed
    41-50   FX FX Insufficient
    <40   F F Failed

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